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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Direct Stripe] Different Stripe PluginsThanks for the reply.
Sorry, by support I meant I just want to know you’ll be around in a year. I realize you can’t offer all technical support for every WP issue.
If you have a working demo can you post a link?
Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Psychological tests & quizzes] Results %Ok, found the solution:
Find the file get-results.php
(in the folder: :src/Template/Test/Passer/get-results.php)take this line:
<?php echo $scale->formatValueAsOutOf() ?>and change it to this:
<?php echo $scale->formatValueAsOutOf() . ” – ” . $scale->getValueAsRatio()*100 . “%”; ?>The percentage will now be displayed after the score on the results page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Psychological tests & quizzes] Results %Hi
Does anyone know where the code below might be placed to get the % score results to show on the category line?
I found the % code:
<span style="width: <?php echo $scale->getValueAsRatio()*100 ?>%"></span>
I am not sure where or how to place it.
Here is the code snippet from getresults.php:
<?php if ($isShowScales): ?> <?php foreach ($scales as $i => $scale): /* @var $scale WpTesting_Model_Scale */ ?> <h3 class="<?php echo $scale->getCssClass($i) ?> title"><?php echo $scale->getTitle() ?></h4> <div class="<?php echo $scale->getCssClass($i) ?> scores"> <?php echo $scale->formatValueAsOutOf() ?> </div> <div class="<?php echo $scale->getCssClass($i) ?> meter"> <span style="width: <?php echo $scale->getValueAsRatio()*100 ?>%"></span> </div> <div class="<?php echo $scale->getCssClass($i) ?> description"><?php echo $renderer->renderWithMoreSplitted($renderer->renderTextAsHtml($scale->getDescription())) ?></div> <?php endforeach ?> <?php endif ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Psychological tests & quizzes] How to display the test result to the userHi
If you want to provide the user with a copy of results they can keep for their purposes purchase the PDF addon for $5. Very useful.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Psychological tests & quizzes] test results not foundThis issue was due to a server error, not the pdf . Scales must be setup as well.
Even better, thanks for that!Hi
I found the issue for the sidebar (I think, definitely not an expert).I added this:
div#wpforms-6390-field_1-container .wpforms-one-half { width: 100%; }
The one-half element is 48%, not sure where that is picked up, but by adding this the fields render 100%.
Thanks again!
Thank you very much for the instruction. Worked great in placing the boxes over each other.In the footer works as yours, thanks.
Only issue is the sidebar form, it stacked the boxes but also made the input boxes half the size, which is odd. I selected large boxes and they were halved, so now the boxes only extend half way across the primary sidebar. I simply used the primary sidebar and added the WPform widget to it.
Is there something that might be blocking it?
Thanks again.
I can use the inspector on my browser to find it.
I know it’s close to this:label{ display: inline-block; float: left; clear: left; width: 250px; text-align: right; } input { display: inline-block; float: left; }
But cannot find the exact spot.
The form field is:<input type="email" name="wpforms[fields][1][primary]" id="wpforms-6390-field_1" class="wpforms-field-email-primary wpforms-field-required" value="" placeholder="" required="" aria-required="true">
Is that useful?
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Psychological tests & quizzes] test results not foundDefinitely.
Where can I contact you. ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Psychological tests & quizzes] Error FatalIf it’s a PHP fatal error maybe PhP XML needs to be installed. That was my issue.
Your syntax in the plugin is wrong then.
You should update the Results page examples. It lists %CATEGORY_POINTS%/%CATEGORY_POINTS% (without History).
I was able to find the VPS issue so will stick with WP Tests, this might be a good secondary solution for someone.
Need to install php7.0-xml
Use this command:
sudo apt-get install php7.0-xmlHere is the answer: were right, just a small item. Thanks for suggesting the error log.
Hey Grant
Seems there are more than a few software bugs in this version. Sporadic support as well.
I have been using another wp test solution here: is solid and seamless. For some reason when I transferred to my new host, the hosts server isn’t playing nice with it, so thus my search. I would give wp-testing a try and support is really good.
The category issue is basic so not sure how confident in using it going forward. I also read posts about it suddenly not working after 9 months, but maybe that was a one off, who knows.
Good luck
Here is the output when I try to view the page. (no longer says unable to handle request message, it shows these errors).Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function utf8_decode() in /var/www/html/
Stack trace: #0/var/www/html/ fSchema->fetchMySQLColumnInfo(‘wp_t_passings’) #1
/var/www/html/ fSchema->fetchColumnInfo(‘wp_t_passings’) #2
/var/www/html/ fSchema->getColumnInfo(‘wp_t_passings’) #3
/var/www/html/ fActiveRecord->__construct(NULL) #4
var/www/html/ WpTesting_Model_AbstractParent->__construct(NULL) #5
/var/www/html/ in /var/www/html/ on line 1156
Any help would be appreciated.
Notice the italic words says plu in, but not plugin.