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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox Gallery] Responsive ColorboxReally great code.Helped me a lot.Very much thanks nicolas.bernier……
Thx PepsiAddict, your trick did the work.Now, its working like a charm.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Easy Responsive Tabs to Accordion] How to apply this plugin in wordpressWe can use this plugin by creating our own shortcodes.
1. First download the plugin and activate it.
2. After activating, open functions.php file of your theme folder and create your own shortcodes at the end of the file.I used these shortcodes:function tab_function( $atts , $content = null ) { // Code return '<div id="demoTab">'; } add_shortcode( 'tab', 'tab_function' ); function tabtitle_func($atts,$content = null) { return '<ul class="resp-tabs-list">'; } add_shortcode('tabtitle','tabtitle_func'); function title_func($atts,$content = null) { return '<li>' . $content . '</li>'; } add_shortcode('title','title_func'); function end_tabtitle_func($atts,$content = null) { return '</ul><div class="resp-tabs-container">'; } add_shortcode('end_tabtitle','end_tabtitle_func'); function cont_func() { return '<div>'; } add_shortcode('content', 'cont_func'); function contend_func() { return '</div>'; } add_shortcode('end-content', 'contend_func'); /*function content_func($atts,$content = null) { return '<div>'.$content .'</div>'; } add_shortcode('content','content_func'); */ function tabend_func($atts,$content = null) { return '</div></div>'; } add_shortcode('tabend','tabend_func');
3. Then, apply these created shortcode to your admin pages of your site(admin panel->pages->click edit under your corresponding page->use the shortcode in the content area).Sample page created by me:
[tab] [tabtitle] [title]Information[/title] [title]Staff[/title] [end_tabtitle] [content] <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.</p> [end-content] [content] <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.</p> [end-content] [tabend]
4. Thats it.your are done with two tabs in your output which is also responsive.Check this site for my output: mysite
1. Thanks a lot for your immediate response.Yes, your right “get_post_custom_values()” is a wordpress function.And, also i tried to run the code independently,but, it won’t.
2. So, i tried to get the value through “Post” method of php.Now, everything works fine.
3.Once again want to mention, very nice and compatable plugin.
Great solution.Thx a lot.
1. When i put my set of codes inbetween [insert_php][/insert_php]:
<p align=”left”>
$name = get_post_custom_values(‘staff_name’);
$image = get_post_custom_values(‘staff_image’);
$info = get_post_custom_values(‘staff_info’);
$email = get_post_custom_values(‘staff_email’);
$contact = get_post_custom_values(‘staff_contact’);
foreach ( $image as $key => $value ) {
echo $value;
foreach ( $name as $key1 => $value ) {
if($key == $key1){
echo “<span class=’staff_name’>”.$value.” “.”| </span>”;
foreach ( $info as $key2 => $value ) {
if($key == $key1 && $key1 == $key2){
echo “<span class=’staff_info’>”.” “.$value.”</span>
foreach ( $email as $key3 => $value ) {
if($key == $key1 && $key1 == $key2 && $key2 == $key3){
echo “<span class=’staff_detail’><span style=’font-weight:lighter;’>Email:</span>”.” “.$value.”
foreach ( $contact as $key4 => $value ) {
if($key == $key1 && $key1 == $key2 && $key2 == $key3 && $key3 == $key4){
echo “<span style=’font-weight:lighter;’>Direct:</span>”.” “.$value.”</span>“;
<div class=”clear”></div>2. My output is coming correctly.But, the problem is along with my output, some codes are also displaying at the end.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Google Search] Strange Text Above Search ResultsFirst of all, thanks a lot for giving such a nice plugin.
Very simple to use.It works like a charm.
But, the problem is in the browser tab,its displaying “glcse | search | mysitename”.I don’t want to display “glcse”.So, how to remove it from my tab.
Link to my site: siteForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Print] Wp-Print not working in home pageIs there any other option to do so.Bcoz, my client needs his home page to be printable.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Want to display "venue" in the outputfunction render_eventlist_events($events, $whitelabel, $limit) { usort($events, array($this, 'array_compare_order')); $rows = $this->convert_array_to_object($events); $out = ''; foreach ($rows as $count => $row) { global $wpdb; $id1 = $row->id; //echo $id1; $result1 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT venue FROM wp_aec_event WHERE id ='$id1'"); foreach ( $result1 as $result2 ) { $venue_name = $result2->venue; } //if ($count < $limit) { if (!$limit || $count < $limit) { // split database formatted datetime value into display formatted date and time values $row->start_date = $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT); $row->start_time = $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT); $row->end_date = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT); $row->end_time = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT); // link to event $class = ($whitelabel) ? '' : ' ' . $row->className; $out .= '<span class="fc-event-time">'; $out .= $row->start_date; if (!$row->allDay) { $out .= ' ' . $row->start_time; } $out .= '</span>'; $out .= '<div class="fc-event' . $class . '" onClick="jQuery.aecDialog({\'id\':' . $row->id . ',\'start\':\'' . $row->start . '\',\'end\':\'' . $row->end . '\'});">'; $out .= '<div class="fc-event-title">' . $this->render_i18n_data($row->title) . '</div>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'if ($(window).width() < 980) {'; $out .= '<div class="fc-event-mobile">' . $row->start_time . ' | ' . $venue_name . '</div>'; echo '}'; echo '</script>'; $out .= '</div>'; } } return $out; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] Want to display "venue" in the outputSolved the issue by myself.
Updated the file ajax-event-calendar.php file of the plugin and included the following codes(check line no.820):-function render_eventlist_events($events, $whitelabel, $limit) { usort($events, array($this, 'array_compare_order')); $rows = $this->convert_array_to_object($events); $out = ''; foreach ($rows as $count => $row) { <strong> global $wpdb; $id1 = $row->id; //echo $id1; $result1 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT venue FROM wp_aec_event WHERE id ='$id1'"); foreach ( $result1 as $result2 ) { $venue_name = $result2->venue; }</strong> //if ($count < $limit) { if (!$limit || $count < $limit) { // split database formatted datetime value into display formatted date and time values $row->start_date = $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT); $row->start_time = $this->convert_date($row->start, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT); $row->end_date = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_DATE_FORMAT); $row->end_time = $this->convert_date($row->end, AEC_DB_DATETIME_FORMAT, AEC_WP_TIME_FORMAT); // link to event $class = ($whitelabel) ? '' : ' ' . $row->className; $out .= '<span class="fc-event-time">'; $out .= $row->start_date; if (!$row->allDay) { $out .= ' ' . $row->start_time; } $out .= '</span>'; $out .= '<div class="fc-event' . $class . '" onClick="jQuery.aecDialog({\'id\':' . $row->id . ',\'start\':\'' . $row->start . '\',\'end\':\'' . $row->end . '\'});">'; $out .= '<div class="fc-event-title">' . $this->render_i18n_data($row->title) . '</div>'; <strong>$out .= '<div class="fc-event-mobile">' . $venue_name . '</div>';</strong> $out .= '</div>'; } } return $out; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Document Attachment Widget] Plugin not workingI tried it in my local site.Its showing error-Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /var/www/banas/wp-content/plugins/document-attachment-widget/document_attachment_widget.php on line 286 Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/banas/wp-content/plugins/document-attachment-widget/document_attachment_widget.php on line 286