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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments close themselves, readers required to registerhi, maddogmedia,
>>The “Users must be registered and logged in to comment” button is suddenly checked, as is the “An administrator must always approve the comment” button, and comments on all posts are closed. Also, the “Allow comments” button is suddenly unchecked on all posts.
OH~~ I met same problem since wp 2.6 till wp 3.1, I don’t know how to solve it. I can easily un-check first two function. but for each post…man…that is a 5000+ post works. Anyway, I just use the comment Central plug-in to open all article comments at one click.
the unwanted-auto-close question, I am still looking for someone can help (cry~)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.1. I went download the force_upgrade.php from Mark
(search google by keyword ‘force upgrade Mark’)
but it only fixed one thing, now when I login I can see ‘my profile’ and edit it. before, i only see dashboard2. if you have the access of phpmyadmin, go check the table xx_usermeta, see if all uses there were changed to have same value ‘a:1:{s:10:”subscriber”;b:1;}’
if you know your user id (u may need to check xx_users) to find your user id (by number)
therefore you know where you are in xx_usermeta,
well, just replace that ‘a:1:{s:10:”subscriber”;b:1;}’ by this.
3. in the final, clear all browser’s cookie and re login, press f5 for many times (force refresh). i solve my problem by this way. (my domain provider upgraded their database therefore i got this problem)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Publishing a list of all commentsHi, if you guys want a plug-in for ‘Publishing a list of all comments, plus with pages’. I found this one is quite good!
https://blog.chweng.idv.tw/wordpress/comments-statusAlthough it is in Chinese, later I may help to have an English version.
I did this for my website. the sample page is here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding full list of all commentsHello, hitmanuk2k. I found the plug-in called ‘Comment Status’. It added full list of all comments by paged. However, it is in Chinese. Later I may have it to be English version. I hope this is helpful!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List all comments of my site for viewersHello, all. I finally find the wonderful plug-in called ‘Comment Status’. It is in Chinese. Later I may have it to be English version.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding full list of all commentsIt is possible except the ‘reply’ button. First you have create an template page and put it under your current theme folder. You can copy any template page you haved and rename its file name and template name. (the template name sits in first paragaphy of php code)
Therefore find `<?php the_content(”); ?> ‘
copy code under and paste.
<?php /* SIMPLE RECENT COMMENTS PLUGIN 0.1 USED BY PERMISSION OF RAOUL https://www.raoul.shacknet.nu/ */
function src_simple_recent_comments($src_count=3, $src_length=120, $pre_HTML=”, $post_HTML=”) {
global $wpdb;
$sql = “SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type,
SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,$src_length) AS com_excerpt
FROM wp_comments
LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_posts ON (wp_comments.comment_post_ID = wp_posts.ID)
WHERE comment_approved = ‘1’ AND comment_type = ” AND post_password = ”
ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC
LIMIT $src_count”;
$comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
$output = $pre_HTML;
$output .= “\n”;
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$output .= “\n\t<br>- <small><b>” . $comment->post_title . “</b> at ” . $comment->comment_date_gmt . ” </small><br><b>” . $comment->comment_author . “</b> : ID) . “#comment-” . $comment->comment_ID . “\” title=\”on ” . $comment->post_title . “\”>” . strip_tags($comment->com_excerpt) . “\n\t…” . “
$output .= “\n”;
$output .= $post_HTML;
echo $output;
?><div class=”post-entry”>
<ul class=”list” id=”recent-comments”>
<?php /*FIRST NUMBER IS COMMENT COUNT TO INCLUDE. SECOND IS TOTAL CHARACTER COUNT */ src_simple_recent_comments(300, 220) ?></div>
You can change the comment number to 3000 or 30000. depends. And the page will be super super long because now there is now paged function for that. (I really hope someone can improve this….sign)save it. and now write a page called ‘all comments’ and select the new template you just made. It should works.
PS. sorry. it is my first time to put code here. and i don’t know how to use code function well. hope the code doesn’t get anything wrong.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Publishing a list of all commentsI’m looking for this code, too. Hope someone can write or wordpress can really think it is important about advance comment function. I’m now using the very great Plug-in “Paged Comment Editing”. But it only shows in Editing panel. There is no viewer’s vision. (At least, I finally can read all comments in my site)
Plugin Name: Paged Comment Editing
Plugin URI: https://www.coldforged.org/paged-comment-editing-plugin/The Author, Brian, since does not offer any upgrading right now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Mysql injection for my wordpress 2.01?My situation is quite simliar. The wp-posts table shows ‘USE’ always. But I can use sql language ‘REPAIR TABLE wp-posts’ to fix it. under whole wordpress database. It works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_posts.myi?I met these problems twice. First time, I kill all wp database in phpmyadmin, then insert my backup. It is fast. However, I lost a lot of un-backup articles. The Second time, today, I user the REPAIR TABLE WP-POSTS mysql language in phpmyadmin. And it works.
(BTW, before I do REPAIR code, I reinstalled my apache server due to phpmyadmin total crashed)
I think wordpress has a bug. When user is writing his article, if he click the ‘previous’ button of his browser a lot of times. The system got MYI error 145 problem. Especially in IE. Also, if two people are editing same articles. It caused this bug, too.
If you host support you a phpmyadmin interface, you can easily solve this problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Defining Thumbnail size on uploadI tried sjusc10’s solution. It doesn’t work. However, I found another solution. It taught you to take off all default width-height img src tag. Look this article https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/56985?replies=26
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: thumbnails vs. original size when uploading imagesThis might be helpful. (kill all width/height img src tag) https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/56985?replies=26
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: set “Using original” as default?If you found the solution. I need it, too. ^o^
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Inline uploader problemI met the same trouble. However, I can not tell my user to switch Firefox. Is there anyway to change the insert img src code? I don’t even need thumb function.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help, my sites down after loading fAlbum.I got same problem. I change FAblum’s root url in option page. Therefore, every page of my blog is 500 error. So glad I found solution here. Thank you all.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Img src tag allowed in comments?I wrote the solution step by step here. https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/57859?replies=12#post-370605