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  • +1
    My database was bloated in a way that it went over the limits and we were not able to write to the database, and so no one could log in, or anything really.

    Is there any sign of improvement in this feature?
    Being compromised this way is almost like being hacked from within .. via security plugin ?? .


    Plugin Author 2046



    sure.. the Enlightenment theme is forcing it’s own css to all widgets like so:
    .widget {
    max-width: 315.625px;
    in /wp-content/themes/enlightenment/core/css/settings.css

    They should not force their own css to the global .widget class as they surely have no idea how all the widgets on this planet might look like.

    Thread Starter 2046



    I have looked in your code and found that you log user by your specifically set roles.. which are based on common WordPress roles but are not taken from the current WordPress instance it self.
    And so while I changed your code in class-aal-activity-log-list-table.php
    from this:

    foreach ( $this->_get_allow_caps() as $cap ) {
    	$output[ $cap ] = __( ucwords( $cap ), 'aryo-aal' );
    if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
    	echo '<select name="capshow" id="hs-filter-capshow">';
    	printf( '<option value="">%s</option>', __( 'All Roles', 'aryo-aal' ) );
    	foreach ( $output as $key => $value ) {
    		printf( '<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>', $key, selected( $_REQUEST['capshow'], $key, false ), $value );
    	echo '</select>';

    to this:

    global $wp_roles;
    $output = $wp_roles->roles;
    if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
    	echo '<select name="capshow" id="hs-filter-capshow">';
    	printf( '<option value="">%s</option>', __( 'All Roles', 'aryo-aal' ) );
    	printf( '<option value="guest">%s</option>', __( 'Guest', 'aryo-aal' ) );
    	foreach ( $output as $key => $val) {
    		printf( '<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>', $key, selected( $_REQUEST['capshow'], $val['name'], false ), $val['name'] );
    	echo '</select>';

    it populates all he registered roles well, but the logs with roles which are not
    'administrator', 'editor', 'author', 'contributor', 'guest'
    are not in the log by their right role, but are logged as Users instead (or in my case)
    (what I’ve done is surely a hack, as the roles should be done thru your permission check _get_allow_caps first .) but it proves that the integration is not complete )

    Could you please check you log function where you save group names to the log along the records that they are set correctly by their real roles? .)

    btw: what would be also awesome is to have a negative filter.. meaning.. if you set a role administrator and set the filter to negative (filter out) it will show you all logs except the administrators records. .. the implementation would only requires to chage the sql for $where_caps query from OR to NOT LIKE .. I guess ??

    Thread Starter 2046


    What I think you have done is that you hardcoded the roles in the plugin.. which is fine, but what if the user has more roles registered…
    I suggest you to create the list of available roles by listing the roles. for example like this:

    function get_editable_roles() {
        global $wp_roles;
        $all_roles = $wp_roles->roles;
        $editable_roles = apply_filters('editable_roles', $all_roles);
        return $editable_roles;

    and then populate those in the filter dropdown menu..

    Interestingly enough the “Guest” option populates now a “random” list of users including admininstrator ..

    Thread Starter 2046


    Thanks .. will see how much I can do .)

    Thread Starter 2046


    exactly ??
    (I have checked the plugin code and was about to hack it my self.. but if you do it, it’ll be much better ?? )

    Thread Starter 2046


    yes you are right… It is good to have administrators to be in log for sure!
    The question is if you can add a “role” filter as you have there now by users dates and types.

    Because if you want to track users by their role…
    Say we want to see log of all editors.. or not to see administrator in log, or any other role..
    My personal scenario is that I need to check log of all editors but the log is heavily populated by administrators, guest actions, etc. .. and so it is hard to get the information out of such “unfiltered” log.

    thanks a lot for taking the question in to account!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] a few suggestions
    Plugin Author 2046


    to that custom html tag case.

    Pablo Ray is right.. there can be a dropdown menu with possible HTML containers (but only one as there is no need to select before and after, both are the same ?? and have to be).
    .. but then, what types to allow? As “b, i, strong, h*, abbr,” .. makes no sense in the case of rich content, in those cases the “div” is much more on place. .. span makes sense only if the content is not too rich..These rules are not well known to many people, and so the html tags can be quickly misused.

    Moreover look on the complete list of html tags
    Do you really want to have them all there? Do you, really know what are they all for?

    And the tables, they are completely out of scope. They are too complicated with all the th, tr, td… Build such structure would not be easy even with Easy. Same applies to ul, ol, li.

    Premium or free – I agree, it might be useful in some case but I still it will do more harm then good.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] a few suggestions
    Plugin Author 2046


    You can wrap taxonomies in div for sure.

    I understand your reasons, but if I let user add this kind of value by them self the result will be highly vulnerable.

    Easy is used mainly for people who do not know coding a lot.. and even If highly skilled person will use it, he/she can make simple typo and the result can be wrong right away.
    Like you can type idv instead of div.. or you can misunderstand it and write the instead of html tag a class.. and suddenly the result will be completely wrong.

    The way it is now is kind of bulletproof. You can’t brake the HTML DOM it is always right. and so the only thing you have to care about is to tune up the css file. Based on the classes you use.

    Plus, span, tab, td, and so on are not necessary as you can turn any div to any kind of span like element, or tab like element by CSS.
    If you argue that there is no way how to define ID, well you’ll be right, but still it is not necessary in most cases. If you argue about the impossibility to use HTML5 elements such as head, article, section and so on, you’ll be right, but still the vulnerability would be far worst flaw than not being able to use your custom elements.

    In cases where it makes sense like titles there is a possibility to choose h1-5. that surely makes sense from the basic SEO point of view

    To summarize this topic.
    Custom html tag will be highly dangerous to the result, and won’t be applied in Easy for the reasons I mentioned above.
    If you need highly tuned up HTML DOMs you should code the result your self.
    Easy should be as its name implies – “Easy”.
    It is not a complex tool covering all possibilities.. It wouldn’t make sense anyway.. as in highly customized needs you need also highly customized code from many angles which cannot be done with a middle man.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] problems with tags
    Plugin Author 2046


    That means I have to find a time to code that function in-there ??
    This brick only checks for the existence of any term under given taxonomy and returns posts (what ever content of allowed post types) back.

    The functionality you would like to use really requires extra consideration and mainly my time.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] problems with tags
    Plugin Author 2046


    (I put tag in the text field replacing the default category)

    the tag is “post_tag”

    I’ve checked the functionality and it works as intended.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] problems with tags
    Plugin Author 2046



    let me check..

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] a few suggestions
    Plugin Author 2046


    I’m not completely sure what you are talking about, but have you tried the classes in “general” top part of each easy. There you can setup the classes for surrounding divs, for the “wrapper” of the whole easy output and also each loop within the call.. The structure is same as it is common in 95% templates.
    (HTML tags doesn’t matter that much as classes which you can define in css.)

    check this out

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Easy] a few suggestions
    Plugin Author 2046


    works on pagination as well…
    You have to use the “post type” brick and check the “not affected” meaning, not affected by pagination… otherwise it tries to get content for second or what ever page of that Easy settings.. and if it does not find content on the particular page for the Easy setup there will be no output, naturally.

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