Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsFranky, you are the man.
Thank you for your help, really!
Have a great weekend.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsHi Franky,
yes, that has correctly been set up. And works well; I send 2 emails a minute so yesterdays mailing took around 6 hours and during that time the mailing was not visible in the “mailing” section. afterwards, it is still not mentioned in the list.
So I guess you ignored it so far. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsUnfortunately, no. The newsletter mailing is not listed there. Not during the mailing nor after the mailing. thats why I could not cancel it that way.
I only find booking confirmations there or mailing that were manually triggered.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsTrue, but once I had 770 Emails in the queue I was unable to stop the queue. Or did I miss something? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsI got it. Thank you!
I could manage to limit my mailserver in a way that only 2 emails per hour were allowed to be sent out so I could test it easily.Thank you for your great and quick support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsme once more. I don′t know why but in settings “sending HTML emails” was disabled. No wonder it looked so weird.
Thanks anyway!
Keep up the great work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsI received this as an email (and Outlook does not recognize it as HTML):
<ul class=’eme_events_list’><table align=”left” bgcolor=”white”> <tr align=”left”>
<td width=”40%”>[https://studio-108.de/events/info-yla-2021/]</td> <td width=”60%”>Infotreffen Yogalehrerausbildung 2021 [https://studio-108.de/events/info-yla-2021/]<br />7. April 2021 von 18:30 bis 19:30 <br /><small><p>Meet and Greet (online) mit Fragerunde und Informationen für Dich – natürlich kostenlos und unverbindlich. Du m?chtest gerne mehr über Yoga erfahren oder einen gro?en Schritt für Dich tun? Dann entscheide Dich für die 200+ Stunden Grundausbildung zum Yogalehrer in der TRINITY Academy Würzburg! Du lernst mehr zu den Hintergründen, Traditionen und zur Geschichte, zum…</p>
</table><table align=”left” bgcolor=”white”> <tr align=”left”>
<td width=”40%”>[https://studio-108.de/events/face-yoga/]</td> <td width=”60%”>Face Yoga Workout & Massage – Onlineworkshop [https://studio-108.de/events/face-yoga/]<br />11. April 2021 von 10:00 bis 11:00 <br /><small><p>Nicht nur unser K?rper freut sich über Zuwendung in Form von Training und schenkt uns als Dank dafür eine straffere Silhouette, auch unser Gesicht besteht aus ganz vielen Muskeln, die gerne trainiert und gefordert werden m?chten.</p>
</table><table align=”left” bgcolor=”white”> <tr align=”left”>
<td width=”40%”>[https://studio-108.de/events/wein-yoga/]</td> <td width=”60%”>Wein & Yoga [https://studio-108.de/events/wein-yoga/]<br />25. April 2021 von 18:00 bis 19:00 <br /><small><p>Wir sind in Unterfranken und lieben deshalb einen gutes Schoppen. Und da wir auch mit ganzem Herzblut Yogis sind verbinden wir das in einem wundervollen Workshop. Wir verw?hnen Dich mit 3 verschiedenen Weinen vom Weingut Max Müller aus Volkach, die Du mit allen Sinnen erfahren darfst. Begleitend dazu führen wir Dich durch eine wundersch?ne Yogapraxis,…</p>
</table>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Cron newsletter upcoming eventsThank you for your quick reply. Yes, i know the documentation pretty well. Still, setting up the whole email design will of course require me to send test email. how am i gonna do that without annoying all my users?
And are there any template examples available so I don′t have to write all the stuff by hand? Because if I want to send this information I will have to insert pictures and then I will need to build html structure, right? Or is there another elegant way to have maximum readability?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EME Sync Events] Maintainer wantedIT works fine for me, just got it back up running last night. But I can not do development works, just clicked thru the Facebook requirements…
Hope someone finds it exciting to maintain it as it is a great enhancement to EME.
Best regards from Germany
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EME Sync Events] No more syncing…Hi,
Sync now worked again, but only once.
Now if I try to Sync a single Event, I get the following error:“Graph returned an error: Unsupported get request. Object with ID ‘172425933447473’ does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api”
I can′t find proper Solutions so far. Any ideas?