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  • If you are using not own theme, issues should be fixed by it author from one simple reason – if author fix it, it will be fixed on every site that using that theme.

    Please navigate to:
    And inform what theme are you using.

    Maybe I told little wrong assuming that you are using not own theme, if so – then you could ask someone for help OR alternatively – do theme folder backup (download it from FTP to desktop) and then try fix it yourself. If something went wrong, just revert to backup.
    If you wouldn’t let visitors see that site is under maintenance then I suggest you WP Maintenance Mode plugin on maintenance time.

    To every author of problematic plugin.

    For example if you have:

    URI :

    Send to Events Manager’s author problems listed under that header. Or just tell him to copy & paste that in Ctrl+F, so he will find that section himself.


    First you should write to theme’s author and show him link to validator. If you open site with theme there should be link to support forum or another way to contact.

    If it’s paid theme, author should fix it immediately, if not – it may take a while. Then you will be just able to update theme in admin.

    Why you shouldn’t fix it yourself? If author someday publish update for theme, you could forgot about changes nad update will remove yours fixed.

    Maybe I told wrong.
    I mean that in my opinion locales’ meta are needed for real multilingual websites.

    And others are mainly needed for standalone pages like scripts – if they are something small.
    However, it’s always better use instead.

    Since you will enable it, it will be automatically updated with every new page/post.
    Also – if I am not wrong about certain feature (maybe it’s in another way in Yoast SEO) – it will ping common search engines that you added new content, so it will be faster available in them, even instantly.

    Google Analytics is something different, just for track traffic.

    You could use it or not, your decision.
    Sitemaps are mainly for not directly humans (however it could be alternative navigation), but for robots and programs – it’s easier for them index every content.

    Imagine that certain page is not linked from another indexed page, so it’s not indexed, because any anchor points to that URL. Sitemap points.

    Usability seems nice. The same structure (without CSS), so it will be nice for screen readers and search engines.

    But it seems like you have too fast closed <head> tag so that’s why you have code printed on top of page.

    Also JS scripts still needs improvements.

    Plugin Contributor odie2


    Yes, “odie2”.

    It seems like for JS there should be dot instead comma.

    Could you provide example image with requested (chosed by you) size for testing?
    I’m not sure how try catch so untypicaly scale myself.

    Most of errors are from plugins (listed under certain header).
    You should contact authors with this link. They should fix it.

    Error: Bad value 75px for attribute width on element img: Expected a digit but saw p instead. :

    width and height in <img /> tag is always px, so you shouldn’t write 75px, but 75. See
    It’s perhaps occuring in your theme.
    Try download, download your theme on desktop from FTP and search for s="logo">. Maybe you will find something and will know how to remove px.

    Error: Attribute onhover not allowed on element a at this point. :

    It’s depreaced to use JS attr on HTML attr. It’s better to point onhover basing on item ID, what is pretty easy as you are using JQuery. Also, in this case it could be easier and more accessible to use plain CSS with siblings/child etc. selectors. Maybe it needs little structure rebuilding.

    Error: Saw < when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Missing > immediately before. :

    Missing > character closing div. It should be fixed in theme.
    There are many of lack characters closing HTML tags or duplicated tags.
    You should contact theme’s author with link.

    Warning: Section lacks heading. :

    There are just no headers identifing section content. Follow link and read about it.

    Plain texts under links is just our Theme. You should ask theme author how to disable this duplication.

    Move every <script> to footer. Don’t insert it yourself in header.php, but use enqueue_script.

    Remove #404 JS scripts from page – browser have to check them as they are linked in.

    Join little scripts into one file and minify it (you could let not-minified version for yourself for future if you need edit file).

    What’s are those wp-content/cache/wpfc-minified JS on your site? Seems like theme/plugin crap.

    You could minify CSS files (of course let non-minifed version for yourself), even plugins’ CSS files if rarely updating.

    Oh my… You have many many unnecessary JS on page!

    Also image that search engine have no JS enabled. So as I see, it have every post from begin! Why you don’t use pagination? Also ordinary user is not interested in so many post at one moment. You should give less post to users. If they were interested, they will load more. Many of often visitors just looking on latest as they are visiting page few/one time a day.

    Login and share buttons in header sucks on mobile – it’s too small for my young fingers, so what with older fingers that are even twice big as mine?!
    I suggest increase size of them, add some padding and margin.

    Remove unnecessary line-breaks and spaces from <head>, it’s some KB.

    On summary – it’s quite much if you are not familiar with inside-programming. Our theme gives the worst job. Only if you can’t do it yourself, give someone money to do this.

    As I read some time ago, no.
    You could easy use underscores and dashes, that’s why WordPress automatically convert post/page title to slug with dashes.
    Search engine just read URL without them, treating them as space.

    I personally prefer dashes as they are more friendly to read by human.
    Imagine that you sharing URL with friend or on website without label:

    In some cases link could have text-decoration: underline that make it unreadable AND underscores in my opinion takes more time to read as eye have to look little lower as you’re reading in middle of text and just know what’s the letter is. Also, in some cases underscores are poor visible and links are no highlighted, so when you copy them, you could think that is space or underscore. Em, I just prefer dashes ??

    In my opinion you should always install basically metatags like encoding, og tags (they’re for example sharing url on social media – images, description etc.), canonical (avoid duplicate content), noindex for pagination on archives (just for sure for no duplicated content and it’s really unnecessary to index them), and for multilanguage sites og:locale:alternate metatag + <link rel='alternate' it gives nice results in search engines and avoiding duplicate content in some cases (for example for always English content placed on every language).

    Metatags are mainly for purpose you need.
    I personally use as much metatags as are proper to my purpose.
    Let’s see Ctrl+U for simple script:

    It’s worth very much.
    Just go to WordPress SEO by Yoast (SEO tab) -> XML Sitemap (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_xml) then enable and customize options.

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