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  • Thread Starter offworld21


    Hi Maurice,

    My apologies, I completely missed that you’d already addressed the issue in your previous reply:

    ATM I don’t see an easy way to place the canvas at vertical mid on full screen…
    I’ve looked also at some Ligthbox wp options, but I haven’t found an immediate way to integrate it.

    If Lightbox becomes an option that will be awesome. Thank you again for such an excellent plugin!

    All the best,


    Thread Starter offworld21


    Hi Maurice,

    Thanks for getting back to me. My apologies though, I should have been clearer in my original post. I tested this on a mobile but showed you the screenshots from a Chrome desktop browser in mobile view as it was easier ??

    I’ve now taken the time to screen record the issue from a mobile phone, which you can see here:

    As you can see, the canvas in portrait mode only occupies the top of the screen and when pinch zooming the model it does not utilise the whole screen area. I’ve tried this with different models and different mobile browsers and there is no change.

    I hope that’s a bit clearer, let me know if you need any further info.

    Kind regards


    Thread Starter offworld21


    Here are a couple of screenshots from the Chrome Inspector which illustrate the issue:

    Mabel-01 –
    Mabel-02 –

    Thread Starter offworld21


    Hi Maurice,

    Once again thank you for your speedy reply! I’ve given all of the texture files unique names and it’s all working correctly. It’s no big deal to rename any future model texture files and will prevent the browser from using same name cached files.

    Now about to leave you a review, thanks again Maurice and have a wonderful week!

    Thread Starter offworld21


    Hi Maurice,

    Thank you for your help, the zip file worked like a treat ??

    I looked at the settings you used and they were exactly the same as what I used to export, so I inspected the mtl and obj files and saw that mine had the absolute path to the textures files such as c:\My Documents\meshroom\texture_0.png whereas the mtl and obj files in your zip file didn’t. I edited these files with two other models and they now work too ??

    I have encountered another issue now though. If more than one model is viewed all models after the first one is viewed seem to use the texture files from the first model. For example, if I view the model at /photogrammetry/mabel then view /photogrammetry/elephant or /photogrammetry/mycomorph, the two following models use the textures from the first model. I though at first this was just my caching plugin so I disabled it and it still happens. I then cleared the web browser cache and this resolved it.

    It would seem VRM 360 is using the texture files in the browser cache because they have the same name for each model (texture_0.png, texture_1.png..) which is how Blender names them. Is there a way for VRM 360 to reference the correct texture files or do all of the texture files need to have unique names, even though they’re in different zip files?

    I hope this all makes sense! If you need to see what is happening visit one of the links above then go to another and you’ll see the texture files being reused.

    Once again, thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter offworld21



    Thank you so much for looking into this for me and the speedy resolution! Very much appreciated ??

    Unfortunately when I click the link above I get a ‘Link expired’ notice. Are you able to resend it or do you have Dropbox?

    I will be most happy to review your plugin, thanks again ??

    Thread Starter offworld21


    Hi Maurice,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I’ve zipped up the mtl, obj and texture png files, you can download them here:

    Please let me know if you need anything else.

    Thanks again ??

    I too am getting the same error.

    Steps taken
    1. Fresh WordPress 3.9.2 install
    2. Logged in and deleted Akismet and Hello Dolly plugins
    3. Downloaded and installed through the plugin manager NextGen Gallery
    4. Clicked on ‘Add Gallery / Images’ and attempted to upload 5 images by browsing to the folder AND also trying drag and drop. Both times I got the ‘Upload complete, 0 images were uploaded’ error message.

    Any suggestions?

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