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  • Eduardo,

    Lo que pides es un tema bastante amplio…de hecho son varios. Por lo que leo tienes que empezar con lo básico, siendo de Espa?a te recomiendo, es una página hecha por otro espa?ol, Fernando Tellado, y tiene muchos a?os de experiencia con una gran cantidad de temas, creo que te puede beneficiar mucho. Incluso tiene publicaciones agrupadas por nivel, así que seguramente encontrarás lo que buscas.

    En lo que te puedo orientar es en los temas que necesitas investigar:

    1. Primero que nada, que es WordPress y todo lo básico de su uso.
    2. bbPress, un a?adido para WordPress que sirve para gestionar foros.
    3. Apariencia, herramientas, ajustes, seguridad: eso lo encontrarás en el blog o en el de tu preferencia.
    4. Temas de WordPress; estos te permiten cambiar la apariencia de WordPress.

    Espero te sirva todo esto, espero haber entendido correctamente tus necesidades.

    The source code for that site shows this at the end:

    <!– Cache Enabler by KeyCDN @ 20.08.2018 22:01:58 (html) –>

    So, it’s cached…I suggest clearing Cache Enabler generated files. It would be good to know what other plugins you have in that site. Just in case, there is this guide from KeyCDN themselves about Cache Enabler:

    Hope it helps.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Orlando Alonzo. Reason: added link


    I’m pretty aware of how it is around here regarding reviews in general, and I understand your point. However, right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it. I don’t agree that because the majority does it is valid for Gutenberg or for any plugin. It’s your opinion and I respect it, but I don’t agree with it.


    Don’t know where you got your ideas about reviews; do you research when you buy something? do you prefer longer, thorough reviews or brief ones? I’ll go with the most complete by the way. I tend not to listen to people that do not invest time in a review. The outcome of the review isn’t important; you can completely destroy a product or service in a deep review (most of the time these are the really good ones) and still produce a stellar review. But I’ll tell you this: when you develop software, your user’s frustration is a gold mine of requirements. And being part of a community that gives you tons of software for $0, I think it’s common courtesy to help any way you can; for example, investing a little time giving our helpful reviews -specially when we DON’T like the product- to the devs; the community gets to win in the end with a stronger product.

    You just can’t do that with one liners, and rudeness.


    Being direct should not be confused with being rude and unhelpful. We’re not in prison here, it’s a community. We have a saying here that goes “courtesy detracts not from bravery”.


    I’m not mad at the reviews. I’ve already stated why I think they’re crap; because they are supposed to be *reviews* and instead most reviewers resorted to name calling and other nasty expressions. They could contribute a real review, even disliking Gutenberg.

    It’s Ok to dislike Gutenberg, but do so with solid arguments. I’m ok with people not liking Gutenberg, it’s their prerrogative, I just don’t like the attitude of most of the reviewers, being just plain rude.

    You mention the replies of the devs and volunteers…really? how to they have to respond to a hundreds of reviews like “this is crap. don’t continue or i will leave” (sic)? for all I know, they have handled the “reviews” politely, even when those reviews were terrible and insulting, some of them ban-worthy. If you’re going to give a 1 star review, at least be helpful with feedback on how to improve. It’s about community, as you said.

    Finally, it’s not the devs fault, they are not forcing anything on anybody; if that’s what you think, you should get your facts straight.

    And no, I’m not mad. ??


    I missed a “not” in

    “Anyway, I’m trying to pick a fight with you.”

    It was

    “Anyway, I’m *not* trying to pick a fight with you.”


    Better to try and fail than fail to try.

    They’re crap because they have the oportunity to actually dislike Gutenberg AND contribute something positive to it, but chose to insult the devs (totally wrong, I don’t care about “the clients are always right” crap – it’s just not ok), threaten to leave the community, or use words like “crap”, “useless”, etc.

    > Why each paragraph have to have inserted <p> and </p>, this is just crazy.

    It doesn’t have to be that way, you can press Shift + Enter, problem solved.

    > in order to insert something you have to click so many times

    It’s simply not like that.

    > You want to see good blocks done right?

    I know Ghost. Gutenberg is going to be much, much more than Ghost.

    Anyway, I’m trying to pick a fight with you. My main point stands, people spend more time finding ways to hate Gutenberg than learning how to use it.

    If you allow me to shed some light on your troubles:

    – For your editing problems, try the Classic block; it behaves like the old editor. When you finish editing, and only if you want to, convert that to Gutenberg blocks.

    – Select common tags will be included in Gutenberg in the near future.

    – To edit the permalink you have to clic on the post title (the first block), and above it you’ll find the slug editor.

    I think Gutenberg is a great editor, and in fact I can do almost anything I could do before, even faster; but also I think you just have to spend a little more time using Gutenberg to become familiar with it. But just a teeeeenie little bit.

    Hope it helps.

    With all due respect, almost all one star (and also two star) reviews here are one-liner crap. Yours is one of the exceptions, and even so, I think you are wrong on almost all accounts; for example, in the number of clicks: you can work barely with no clics at all, *if* you know how to work with Gutenberg. Or if you need to arrange paragraphs old-style, use the Classic block, and when you finish, convert to Gutenberg blocks. All you need is to spend some time with the new editor. And I’m currently working with a 3000+ word (final target should be 6000+) post entirely written in Gutenberg, with barely no problems at all up to this point.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s ok to dislike something, but it should be with solid arguments.

    I will concede that the version numbering scheme is totally wrong and confusing. They are versioning Gutenberg like a finished product, and the upcoming version 4.0 is going to be a RC (release candidate). That’s plain confusing to users.

    Honestamente creo que como a muchos te faltó tiempo usando el editor. Por ejemplo, lo que mencionas de la imagen, con Gutenberg incluso puedes pegar una imagen que hayas copiado, y la incrusta en tu publicación y hasta la sube a tu biblioteca de medios, todo en un paso. En cuando a ser una piedra de tropiezo…difiero también. Puedes escribir muy, muy rápido con el atajo “/” y si quieres ir más rápido puedes usar Markdown. Como mencioné al principio, creo que es cuestión de tiempo para familiarizarse con la herramienta.


    Those are warnings, not errors, and nothing critical.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Login Problems

    You can try using the info in this guide:

    But I’ll strongly suggest that starting now, the moment you have completely cleaned your site, start doing backups. It’s the perfect cure for this and other headaches.

    Thread Starter Orlando Alonzo


    Oh and to the mods, if I did something wrong, please just say so and it won’t happen again.

    Thread Starter Orlando Alonzo


    I don’t know what’s behind this, all I gather is that the mods closed/blocked the account of the discloser, don’t know why. But I felt you should know now that the vulnerability is in the open.

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