hi! I’ve analyzed your website and I can say that the structure of your site is not complicated. I guess a simple free theme will be fine for your needs. Or you can use for example this free theme: https://www.ads-software.com/themes/evolve/
It is simple to recreate the similar look on WordPress. The layout of blog posts on the home page, plus different widgets on the sidebar and that’s it.
You can also buy a theme and construct a website layout via drag-n-drop principle.
Such themes cost $50-60 on average.
But if I were you, I would install a free theme and customize it a little bit (well, I actually used this one for my site: https://www.ads-software.com/themes/virtue/
One question. Have you decided yet how would you migrate your website (as far as I understand from Joomla to WordPress)? As the matter of fact, I’m currently working as a Marketing Manager at CMS2CMS (with some CMS and coding knowledge as well=)) and you can try our service for your website migration. It goes with free demo. Here is its plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/cms2cms-joomla-to-wp-migration/