But I have a few problems.
I-craft Theme has the set_post_thumbnail_size( 604, 270, true ).
But I have images with standard WordPress sizes such as the medium 300x300px , thumbnail 150x150px.
If I do not change the set_post_thumbnail_size, my pictures are cropped and look terrible.
If I change set_post_thumbnail_size to (300,300, false) the theme uses thumbnail (150×150 pixels) and stretches it to 536х536 px on category page and to 532x532px on the home page.
It looks a little better, but still not very good.
Images in the slider stretched too.
How I can fix it?
Perhaps you would be better to make a choice for users, what size of images to use by default?
And I have a second question.
How can I use blog-columns style on the Category Archives page?