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  • Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Does the problem appear on this page, too? THis is a test page @harmoney kindly generated. This would help a lot.

    Yeah, unfortunately it appears to. Checked with, and got these errors:

    Line 724, Column 1, Tag must be paired, missing: [ </li> ], start tag match failed [ <li> ] on line 706.
    Line 728, Column 6, Tag must be paired, missing: [ </li></li></li> ], start tag match failed [ <li> ] on line 684.
    Line 782, Column 1, Tag must be paired, no start tag: [ </li> ]
    Line 810, Column 1, Tag must be paired, missing: [ </ul> ], start tag match failed [ <ul> ] on line 799.
    Line 866, Column 6, Tag must be paired, no start tag: [ </ul> ]

    I won’t have time in the foreseeable future to attempt such a rewrite but found Marc to be entirely open to community contribution PRs on the plugin’s github repo if you do.

    Completely understandable, and thank you for your contribution, it is appreciated. This minor flaw, does not break user experience or functionality. Luckily, a missing end tag and browsers be like ???♂? – whatever.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Well isn’t that a nice little treat. Thank you @marckdk!

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    The Danish translation is a custom translation, that’s true.

    Uninstalling PT solves the issues for me. Installing 1.0.9 is also ok. The problem appears to occur when I upgrade to 1.1.0

    I will try to see if I can reproduce this on a fresh install tomorrow, with Query Monitor enabled. Stay tuned.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    I’m using a combination of PolyLang and LocoTranslate, and have for years. But giving the benefit of the doubt, let’s do the banana test:

    Sure thing, on the front end, when Danish is chosen, the “Leave a reply” text is translated as expected:

    The English version is still untouched:

    So the problem is not that the translation is not kicking in, more than all the comment/reply fields are being translated into Danish with version 1.1.0, even though English is chosen, and the rest of the page is in English:

    Uninstalling Performant Translations, or simply reverting to 1.0.9, fixes that, and both the English and the Danish page are shown correctly.

    Now if you will excuse me, I have a ?? to clean up ??

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Lets get that site health out of the way first ??

    ` wp-core
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    @maltmann, a pragmatic workaround is also to wait inserting the TOC until when you are done editing. I’ve put the TOC block in a group container for a background colour, and saved it as a pattern, so inserting it after editing is quickly done.

    If I’m doing a major edit, I might even delete the existing TOC, make my edits, and insert it back in. It is not perfect, but I still prefer SimpleTOC over the other solutions I tried.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Uhm, okay, I just spent hours fiddling with this embed source, and now it works, I’d like to share what I learned – as it was a bit confusing.

    Embed Privacy has a Background option for each Embed source. This can be used for a generic thumbnail, when a “dynamic” thumbnail, like YouTubes isn’t available. Yet, at least.

    To set a background image for the video’s found on, you must edit the background of the VideoPress Embed – as the URL given by the Share button on, actually points to VideoPress (which it also says in the block editor, to be fair.) Sample below.

    Don’t, like me, get too confused by the url in the video thumbnail, nor that the video is actually served from ??
    Do make sure you are editing the Embred Privacy embed settings for the correct language, otherwise your edit’s won’t kick in ??

    I still desire the dynamic thumbnails from aka VideoPress would be fetched at some point. But for now, my edited default background does an ok job, since I only plan to share videos with the blue thumbnail (title removed) anyways. I’m therefore marking this as resolved.

    Just confirming that, too. Have been using Loco Translate since WP 6.4 release on multiple sites. Works perfectly.

    Thank you, Tim, for this invaluable plugin.

    Thanks for the clarification @davidanderson, much appreciated.

    I guess, Wordfence has no way of identifying why a plugin was pulled from, and therefore just pins the “critical” label on it. A bit oversensitive, maybe.

    Glad it was a false alarm. And yeah, the timing of enforcing policies does smell a bit fishy.

    Happy holidays to everyone who does that, and a nice weekend to everyone else ?????

    100/100 score in Google Lighthouse, and no errors in W3C’s HTML validator now – that’s a fine little Christmas present right there.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    The longer autosave interval is adequate for me. Resolved.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Acknowledged. Duplicate headlines on a page aren’t great in the first place. I’ll wet my content ??

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    @kittmedia, thank you so much for trying. Good call, avoiding hacky manual replacements, that would likely break down the road.

    I have one more trick up my sleeves. My caching plugin offers to combine inline CSS in a separate file. That usually gets the job done, although I have to look out for specificity issues when doing that. WordPress itself also outputs styling as a child to a div, so that needs to be taken care of anyway – if validation is important to the project. I’ll go that route, when it makes sense. Thank you for your time, and this fine plugin. I look forward to trying it out in a real project.


    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    There’s also the compromise, to reduce the frequency of autosave. That is really a matter of preference, but I found that for me, a 10-minute interval is just fine. This can be set with this snippet:

    if ( ! defined( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL' ) ) {
        // Change 600 to the number of seconds you prefer (10 minutes in this example).
        define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 600 );

    I’ll do some editing with that setting; experiencing if the “jump” still affects my workflow.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    So here’s what I settled on; MRW Simplified Editor remains enabled for admins (me). I’m personally not interested in applying inline styling to blocks anyway, it’s a maintenance nightmare and not scalable. It’s ok for prototyping a pattern, but once the layout is done, I move the styling to a proper style sheet, and apply a class to the pattern. That’s reasonably robust and paves the road for a client-friendly workflow.

    So that means I only need to hide additional stuff for, say, editors. That’s easily done using the small snippets discussed – and – I can conditionally run these snippets depending on user role and whether one is logged in.

    Most (premium) tools for adding code snippets to WordPress, feature a UI to create such conditionals. Screenshot from the tool I use to run snippet if user has the editor role:

    Screenshot: A code snippet plugin’s “condition builder”

    If using free tools to add snippets, the condition can be built with a line of PHP, so that’s doable – I’m just using the tools I have.

    Thanks again! Your plugin really helps to create a simpler editing experience ??

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