Olivier Burgard
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cf7 Fields Repeater] add utf-8 supportYou have to add base64decode in the shortcode :
[repeater add-label:15TXldeh16Mg16nXldeo15Q= remove-label:157Xl9enINep15XXqNeU index:0 min:0 show:1 base64decode]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cf7 Fields Repeater] add utf-8 supportThe base64decode idea is great !
It allows to put things like that into the add-label :
<span class="dashicons dashicons-trash"></span>Remove
(of course, you need “Frontend Dashicons” plugin to add the dashicons font to the frontend, but you see the idea)
Thanks for the 2.0.2 version !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cf7 Fields Repeater] add utf-8 supportHello,
I had the same issue with a french accent :
[repeater add-label:Ajouter_à_assurer remove-label:- index:0 min:0]Finally, I found the problem, but it’s not a “Cf7 Fields Repeater” bug. It’s a CF7 bug : CF7 doesn’t allow UTF8 chars in the shortcodes except for options like in the select shortcode (and between ” or ‘)
This line is faulty :
$pattern = '%^([-+*=0-9a-zA-Z:.!?#$&@_/|\%\r\n\t ]*?)((?:[\r\n\t ]*"[^"]*"|[\r\n\t ]*\'[^\']*\')*)$%';
(includes/shortcodes.php into shortcode_parse_atts)
It should be :
$pattern = '%^([-+*=\pL\pN\pM:.!?#$&@_/|\%\r\n\t ]*?)((?:[\r\n\t ]*"[^"]*"|[\r\n\t ]*\'[^\']*\')*)$%u';
(replace 0-9a-zA-Z by \pL\pN\pM and put a ‘u’ at the end to enable utf8)
Naji : are you in touch with CF7 staff or should I try to contact them ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Depth limit in mla_get_taxonomy_filter_dropdownHi David,
Using the plugin, I got an other request from my parents for their blog : they didn’t want to see the pictures of the children categories.
So in class-mla-data.php, I add the ‘include_children’ option for that.
$clean_request['tax_query'] = array( array( 'include_children' => false, 'taxonomy' => $tax_filter, 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => array( (int) $clean_request['mla_filter_term'] ) ) );
Do you think it would be a good idea to add a global option so people can choose if they want to see the content of the sub-categories or not ?
By the way, your code is very well commented and easy to read, thanks for that ! :o)