Forum Replies Created
Wow! Super fast update.
I guess I never seen a development team fix something so fast. I just dropped 5 stars there and I will not hesitate to upgrade to the pro version when needed.
Great job!
I confirm, the old picture is still live.
Why is my topic marked as “Resolved” ?
For 7 months, no answer, no update, and it is not resolved at all.
The plugin is still not compatible with Divi Builder :
if you edit a “thank you page” during Divi is enable on your website, it will broke for ever your Thank You page, and you will need to restore a previous backup if available to get your “thank you page” working again.
I will try to find a workaround.
Hello Fotis,
Thanks for your friendly answer.
With the exact URL mentioned above, for 3 different devices and Internet providers desktop & mobile, I still reach the old image. Cleared browsers cache as well.
Maybe need to wait a bit for propagation ? Or, can you check again by yourself.
So much work/pain for your team, sorry…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Store Locator Plus?] Map refresh after submit a search & not correct resultsThe current website :
The older staging website :
Before, all the map worked like a charm. Now, nothing work (search by Country, keyword or anything).
We cannot rollback a WooCommerce shop with order and cancel our previous maintenance and content writing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Store Locator Plus?] Map refresh after submit a search & not correct resultsI answered on your forum, but I cannot see my answer.
I tried to remove the “cities” field. It does not fix the issue.
And I just find and take the time to create a staging with the backup I have, with older version of SLP+, but there is no the “Tools” tab you said in Settings…
Here, the plugin environement of the staging version :
Store Locator Plus?:5.0.5
+PagesSite URL:https://ww2.worldartfoundations.com
This Info Cached:1587728466
Network Active:No
WordPress Version:5.3.2
PHP Version:7.3.17
MySQL Version:10.3.22
PHP Limit:256M
WordPress General Limit:64M
WordPress Admin Limit:128M
PHP Peak RAM:143 MB
PHP Post Max Size:32M
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Store Locator Plus?] Map refresh after submit a search & not correct resultsI repeat all the information from here to your forum… But i don’t receive feedback from your forum that says like “Thanks for your answer or something…
So I don’t know if you receive it or not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Store Locator Plus?] Map refresh after submit a search & not correct resultsSorry for that, but I was not able to update my post on your forum because it was under your approuval… I didn’t wait the approuval to continue my researches.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Store Locator Plus?] Map refresh after submit a search & not correct resultsThanks a lot for your quick answer in the weekend!
> If you prevent javascript , forbid you break the SLP plugin which needs havascript to work.
You didn’t understand, sorry, maybe I was not clear enough.
I tried to put a
to prevent your form submiting/refreshing/and go to another page with parameters in URL. Example :
https://www.worldartfoundations.com/map/?nameSearch=musuem&addressInputCity=&city_selector_discrete=1&addressInputState=&addressInputCountry=&country_selector_discrete=1&ignore_radius=1Did you check by yourself on our site ?
My hack not worked, so I removed that hack already.
The current behaviour of your plugin just don’t work and destruct the UX.
> poorly constructed plug-ins that use old JavaScript or jquery ui that can cause Store Locator Plus to not work
As told, we already tried to disable all the plugins, custom code, and switch to Twenty Nineteen theme… the problem still occur.
> Consider using WP Debugger
WP Debug was our first move. Nothing there.
> In the future please post in our store forums with screenshots of your Plugin Info/environment.
We posted there already but didn’t have the pleasure to see our topic approved already… maybe later ?
We are customers of your 450$ plugins and already paid the Legacy version in the past also… the customer website is broken… further checks by your team would be appreciate.
The maintenance of SLP+ is not so easy than common plugins on the WordPress ecosystem. I mean, difficult to reverse previous versions as we have to update synchronically SLP+, Experience, Power and WordPress Core all at the same time you know… to prevent your plugins addons get disabled automatically.
Hope you can help. Thanks a lot.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Update a Review about a pluginHello.
Myself, I want to edit a review, because it doesn’t match anymore with my actual opinion, but the review is more than 30 months. It’s mentioned :
The topic ‘XXX’ is closed to new replies.
And I am not allowed to edit (or even remove) my review.
It’s an issue because my name is associate with a plugin which really doesn’t match anymore with my principles.
I suggest to allow anybody to edit, or at least, remove their contributed reviews if they want to do, in the way to keep control of our opinion and content.
Anyway to report that to www.ads-software.com ?
Thanks a lot in advance !
I guess a big success for the startup or dev who will handle the previous Toolset Types Custom Fields and other settings with a free open source plugin, when the incompatibility issues will happen with Toolset Types 2.3.5 for futur WordPress versions.
I think, it can be really easy & quick to code a short plugin handling that and it will be a good avert for that developper.
Solved and marked as solved now. Keep going thanks.
OK got it by setting slide_to_scroll to 1. My bad. The www.ads-software.com doc layout was not so clear for me, but your site docs.wponlinesupport.com is !
Thanks for your good plugin, really great job… let’s rate it.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Page Loading Effects] No longer maintained?Yes of course : https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/loading-page/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Property Listings] Add Sortable Property Column in Admin DashboardSo, to be 100% clear.
Copy this in your /themes/…/functions.php (nothing more).
/* Show a custom column in the dashboard property listing (a suggestion of @MisterWordPress) */ // Add the column heading function epl_manage_property_columns_heading_custom( $columns ) { $columns['property_unique_id'] = __('Property ID', 'easy-property-listings' ); return $columns; } add_filter( 'manage_edit-property_columns', 'epl_manage_property_columns_heading_custom' ); // Put the value inside function property_id_column_display( $column_name, $post_id ) { if ( 'property_unique_id' != $column_name ) return; $property_unique_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'property_unique_id', true); if ( !$property_unique_id ) $property_unique_id = '<em>No ID entered!</em>'; echo $property_unique_id; } add_action( 'manage_property_posts_custom_column', 'property_id_column_display', 10, 2 ); // Make it sortable function epl_manage_listings_sortable_columns_custom( $columns ) { $columns['property_unique_id'] = 'property_unique_id'; return $columns; } add_filter( 'manage_edit-property_sortable_columns', 'epl_manage_listings_sortable_columns_custom'); // Make our sorting work function property_id_column_orderby( $vars ) { if ( isset( $vars['orderby'] ) && 'property_unique_id' == $vars['orderby'] ) { $vars = array_merge( $vars, array( 'meta_key' => 'property_unique_id', 'orderby' => 'meta_value' ) ); } return $vars; } add_filter( 'request', 'property_id_column_orderby' );