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Any one help me fix this issue?
Any one help me fix this issue?
Update to new topic!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Po & Mo language files not active when update to Version 4.0Oh! Great! It’s ok now!
I don’t know from V4.0, has one field to setup language on Setting, General page!
Thanks Samuel Wood & RossMitchell so much for your help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Po & Mo language files not active when update to Version 4.0Please helo me for this probelm!
Thanks for your reply and suggestion,
Thanks Messica so much for your response!
With 1 point, as the topic I have said, the PMPro WooCommerce doesn’t full integration with WooCommerce plugin! It’s mean, PMPro WooCommerce can’t do the function as every one wish!
Why? Because this plugin, the main aim is help for user can buy membership level from Paid membership plug in through Woocommerce, but it only suppot with the product link created by WooCommerce and when the user want to update or change his level membership, he has to payout with Paid membership pro’s payment gateway. This way, it’ll not family for users, who live in coutry not support payment gateway! So I suggest you make for PMPro WooCommerce plug in can ful integration with WooCommerce, so user’ll easier to buy membership level!
Best regards!
Thanks so much for your quickly support!
I’m creating new topic for this problem now!
3. How to remove two zero after price and change 10,000.00 to 10.000?
I have installed Paid membership pro and PMPro WooCommerce plugin (from ) on WPLMS Learning Management System theme to test function buying membership levels through Woocommerce plugin. It’s ok if use direct product’s link creation by the way link Paid membership Pro’s level and product on woocommerce. I’m getting two issues now:
1. If users use membership page levels creation by Paid membership Pro, the PMPro WooCommerce plugin is not active for aim buy level through Woocommerce! It’s mean, this time when user want to buy or change his level on this page, him only can payout by Paid membership Pro’s payment gateway!
2. in Membership’s price field on Woocommerce product when the price over 1000, It’s automatic changing to empty field.
Please help me test and hope you’ll soon have solutions for these issues!