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  • Thanks @akafaust!

    Will this survive updates?

    Do I perform this via FTP or is there a safer “WordPress” way to accomplish this? (Sorry, WordPress neophyte.)

    Hmmm no luck on stripping the comment code.
    I still see the pop-up logging in console and of course, same broken behavior from IE.

    I tried (and failed) to add a the following in a Divi code block….
    Note: IE apparently doesn’t like $(window).load(), so using window.onload.

    // Avoid <code>console</code> errors in browsers that lack a console. 
    window.onload = function() { 
        //Running this for IE only.  
        if!((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ) || (!!document.documentMode == true ))
        var method; 
        var noop = function () {}; 
        var methods = [ 
          'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error', 
          'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log', 
          'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd', 
          'timeline', 'timelineEnd', 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn' 
        var length = methods.length; 
        var console = (window.console = window.console || {}); 
        while (length--) { 
          method = methods[length]; 
          // Only stub undefined methods. 
          if (!console[method]) { 
            console[method] = noop; 

    Any JavaScript gurus out there that can help?
    Hi @strackerphil-1 any chance you can add an IE11 code path?

    I forgot to mention:

    I’m running PHP 7.1, no idea if its related, sadly not a PHP guy.

    Found an explanation for why IE works with the debug open and otherwise fails:

    From this StackOverflow entry:

    The experience you’re describing is typical of code which contain console.log() or any of the other console functionality.

    The console object is only activated when the Dev Toolbar is opened. Prior to that, calling the console object will result in it being reported as undefined. After the toolbar has been opened, the console will exist (even if the toolbar is subsequently closed), so your console calls will then work.

    There are a few solutions to this:

    The most obvious one is to go through your code removing references to console. You shouldn’t be leaving stuff like that in production code anyway.

    If you want to keep the console references, you could wrap them in an if() statement, or some other conditional which checks whether the console object exists before trying to call it.

    Another poster included a java script override for browsers that don’t support console:

    Its a bit late, but hopefully his is helpful.

    The “pop-up” section needs to be on the page. The section to pop-up is just hidden. Once the pop-up is initiated, the hidden section becomes visible.

    The library is just a way to make a component (section, row, etc) re-usable. To actually use it, to make a section the “pop-up”, it needs to be on the actual page.


    I’m experiencing the same.
    In my case, Chrome and Microsoft Edge work fine.
    Its just IE11 that fails to “pop-up”.

    EI Verion: 11.285.17134.0
    OS: Windows 10
    Plugin version: 1.2.1
    Divi Plugin: 2.15
    Divi Theme: 3.15

    Very strange! I refreshed the page with the dev tools open and it works!
    Load without dev tools and its broken! Doesn’t make it easy . . .

    The site exhibiting the behavior is:

    Please let me know if there is any additional debug information that I can provide. Thank you for this wonderful plugin!

    Hi Folks, I’m experiencing the same issue but think I narrowed it down a bit. It seems that this plugin conflicts with others resulting in both failing to display.

    For example:
    I installed WP Client Logo Carousel, deployed a logo carousel, looks great.
    I then installed Slide Anything, loaded contents and placed on the same page, both WP Client Logo Carousel and Slide Anything fails to display.

    When I disable Slide Anything- Logo Carousel returns.
    When I flip it (Slide Anything is active, Logo inactive) – Slide Anything works!!!

    @simonpedge I’m not a PHP guy, nor do I know much about plugin development, but the Logo Car. author has published his source code! This may assist in debugging for all potential code conflicts. (ie: locating the common names/globals conflicting with Slide Anything).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by onlyontues.
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