Oooh Boi
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] Breaking Bad Not Working after two rows?I just can’t put it into the picture… maybe you could do some before-after draft, like what you’re getting and what you would like it to be.
You have to get a custom ID for your swiper/glider instance!
is just an example in my code, you’ll replace it with your own.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] v2.0.0 Clash with Element Pack ProGo to Steroids settings and simply disable Tabbr extension.
It’s a function, you can put it anywhere you like and call at will
This is what I did:
/* modify swiper */ function fine_tune_swiper() { let contract_swiper = jQuery( '#swiper-id .swiper-container' ); let swiper_itself = 'swiper' ); if( undefined === swiper_itself ) return; swiper_itself.params.slidesPerView = 1.2; swiper_itself.params.centeredSlides = true; swiper_itself.params.spaceBetween = 10; swiper_itself.params.mousewheel = true; swiper_itself.update(); }
Does that help?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] Container Extras missing max-widthThe follow-up…
“max-width” IS already available with the flex container if the Content Width is set to “full-width”. No other way to make it work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] Container Extras missing max-widthI’m still trying to figure things out. It’s not just about the simple max-width CSS property here, containers are CSS variables based and they depend/change on the Content Width input. So, I hope I’m gonna come up with something until the containers become official.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] HTML tag on container is broken by OoohBoiEssentially, Flexbox Containers are still in the alpha dev phase and as such not recommended for the production/live site. I just checked and all looks fine on my end.
If you’re trying to say that the cursor doesn’t change to “pointer” in the editor then the answer is YES, it won’t work in the backend. Nor does the hyperlink not work because all the outgoing links are disabled in the editor by default.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] HTML tag on container is broken by OoohBoiStrange. Can’t you just use something like
selector { cursor: pointer; /* or default or grab or anything needed */ }
I don’t see how Container Extras affect the cursor if the container Link option is disabled…
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Oooh Boi.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] interactor doesnt work in frontendStill in heavy alpha, sorry! Working on it, no worries…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] Can’t access swiper js instance of a gliderThe console doesn’t tell you the script load priority, it rather writes out everything at once. Swiper/Glider should have an ID instead of the custom class name, that’s for sure. Here’s something that might help
;(function() { // chck if DOM is being loaded document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', run_stuff); // DOM loaded, run all we got function run_stuff() { // debounce with delay let debounce = function(func) { let timer; return function(event) { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(func, 400, event); }; } // listen to resize event with debounce, swiper requires refresh window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(function(e) { fine_tune_swiper(); })); // prevent the backend error, elementor gets loaded even after the "DOMContentLoaded" let chck_if_elementor_loaded = setInterval(function() { if (window.elementorFrontend) { // clear interval clearInterval(chck_if_elementor_loaded); // ------------------------ fine_tune_swiper(); // now do all the changes } }, 500); } /* modify swiper */ function fine_tune_swiper() { // for instance... let contract_swiper = jQuery('#your-swiper-id .swiper-container'); let swiper_itself ='swiper'); swiper_itself.params.slidesPerView = 1.2; swiper_itself.params.centeredSlides = true; swiper_itself.update(); } })();
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] PAGININI not visible in editorYes, good point! It works with the Archive posts but not with the Posts widget. Damn, how come I didn’t notice that before?!
Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll see what’s happening.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] OH ANIMATOR! Works while on editor onlyNope! LocoScroll will hijack the normal scroller and which in turn makes the ScrollTrigger lost. There’s some sort of the “patch” but it never worked right on my end.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] OH ANIMATOR! Works while on editor onlyAll righty, thanks! Now I know the problem, the update shall be out soon, and I plan to add more options across extensions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor] OH ANIMATOR! Works while on editor onlyMay I ask you for a favour? Could you please try to replace one file in your version of “Steroids for Elementor”…
… so, please download a new “”
… unzip to a local drive
… on the server open “”
… replace an old “ohboi-oh-animator.php” with the one you just unzipped
… refresh Elementor editor, change anything in the file, save
… make a new page previewI’m not sure but I believe it has something to do with how the extension-related JS gets enqueued remotely.
Please let me know the result, if all’s good I’ll have to push the update.Thanks!