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@mansurahamed you were half right – there was a conflict, however, it wasn’t the plug-ins.
For some reason, on the UM settings, the Account Page and the User page had been set as the same page, which caused a conflict. This meant that the Viewer of a page could see the user’s settings, although they weren’t able to change anything, because MySQL/Php identified that the viewing user it just that.
So this issue has been resolved, and now when I visit one of my user’s profile pages, I see only the information they put on there.
Here is the entire code for the file I referenced:
class UM_Profile {
public $arr_user_slugs = array();
public $arr_user_roles = array();function __construct() {
add_action(‘template_redirect’, array(&$this, ‘active_tab’), 10002);
add_action(‘template_redirect’, array(&$this, ‘active_subnav’), 10002);}
*** @all tab data
function tabs(){
$tabs = apply_filters(‘um_profile_tabs’, $tabs = array() );// disable private tabs
if( !is_admin() ) {
foreach( $tabs as $id => $tab ) {
if( !$this->can_view_tab( $id ) ) {
unset( $tabs[$id] );
}return $tabs;
*** @tabs that are active
function tabs_active(){
$tabs = $this->tabs();
foreach( $tabs as $id => $info ) {
if ( !um_get_option(‘profile_tab_’.$id) && !isset( $info[‘_builtin’] ) && !isset( $info[‘custom’] ) )
unset( $tabs[$id] );
return $tabs;
*** @primary tabs only
function tabs_primary(){
$tabs = $this->tabs();
foreach( $tabs as $id => $info ){
if ( isset( $info[‘name’] ) ) {
$primary[$id] = $info[‘name’];
return $primary;
*** @activated tabs in backend
function tabs_enabled(){
$tabs = $this->tabs();
foreach( $tabs as $id => $info ){
if ( isset( $info[‘name’] ) ) {
if ( um_get_option(‘profile_tab_’.$id) || isset( $info[‘_builtin’] ) ) {
$primary[$id] = $info[‘name’];
return ( isset( $primary ) ) ? $primary : ”;
*** @privacy options
function tabs_privacy() {
$privacy = array(
0 => ‘Anyone’,
1 => ‘Guests only’,
2 => ‘Members only’,
3 => ‘Only the owner’,
4 => ‘Specific roles’
);return $privacy;
*** @check if the user can view the current tab
function can_view_tab( $tab ) {
global $ultimatemember;$privacy = intval( um_get_option( ‘profile_tab_’ . $tab . ‘_privacy’ ) );
$can_view = false;switch( $privacy ) {
case 1:
$can_view = is_user_logged_in() ? false : true;
break;case 2:
$can_view = is_user_logged_in() ? true : false;
break;case 3:
$can_view = get_current_user_id() == um_user( ‘ID’ ) ? true : false;
break;case 4:
$can_view = false;
if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$roles = um_get_option( ‘profile_tab_’ . $tab . ‘_roles’ );
if( is_array( $roles )
&& in_array( $ultimatemember->user->get_role(), $roles ) ) {
$can_view = true;
$can_view = true;
}return $can_view;
*** @get active_tab
function active_tab() {$this->active_tab = um_get_option(‘profile_menu_default_tab’);
if ( get_query_var(‘profiletab’) ) {
$this->active_tab = get_query_var(‘profiletab’);
}$this->active_tab = apply_filters( ‘um_profile_active_tab’, $this->active_tab );
return $this->active_tab;
*** @get active active_subnav
function active_subnav() {$this->active_subnav = null;
if ( get_query_var(‘subnav’) ) {
$this->active_subnav = get_query_var(‘subnav’);
}return $this->active_subnav;
*** @show meta in profile
function show_meta( $array ) {
global $ultimatemember;
$output = ”;if( isset( $array ) ){
foreach( $array as $key ) {
$data = ”;
if ( $key && um_filtered_value( $key ) ) {if ( isset( $ultimatemember->builtin->all_user_fields[ $key ] ) ){
$data = $ultimatemember->builtin->all_user_fields[ $key ];
}if ( isset( $data[‘icon’] ) ) {
$icon = $data[‘icon’];
} else {
$icon = ”;
}$data[‘in_profile_meta’] = true;
$icon = ( isset( $icon ) && !empty( $icon ) ) ? ‘<i class=”‘.$icon.'”></i>’ : ”;
if ( !um_get_option(‘profile_show_metaicon’) ){
$icon = ”;
}$value = um_filtered_value( $key, $data );
$items[] = ‘<span>’ . $icon . $value . ‘</span>’;
$items[] = ‘<span class=”b”>•</span>’;}
if ( isset( $items ) ) {
foreach( $items as $item ) {
$output .= $item;
}return $output;
Does anything look odd, or…?
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by oranjay.
Hi Guys,
Any ideas on what to do here?
I had a quick gander at ultimate-member/core/um-profile.php on the WP editor, and I’m seeing a lot of control over who views which tabs, so it’s easy to see how the system has been able to muddle up a viewing user with an editing user.
All help would be greatly appreciated.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by oranjay.
I’ve resolved the above issue by re-enabling the user description in the profile header, and by also trimming down the maximum UD character limit from 5000 to 4000, so now it lets me edit my own profile again, however, it is still appearing to allow me to edit other user’s profiles.
Also, if I click on the menu button on my own profile and I select ‘edit profile’ I’m getting the same thing I’m seeing on other user profiles – it basically won’t allow me to edit my own profile.
I had considered using the ‘about’ tab for the user description, so I switched off the user description in the header, however all that did was to add an ‘update profile’ button in another users’s about tab.
This is the same for non-admin accounts – so this is a bit of a problem in terms of presentation. Obviously, UM won’t allow user A to change user B’s user description, even though it looks like you could. It’s like editor mode has been assigned to the wrong user.
I’ve just done the test, and there is no conflict.