Sorry if that seems like an obvious question, I’m still new to WordPress,
so I didn’t know about get_archives().
I took a look at the code (for 0.7.1) , and here’s what I found:
get_archives( $type, $limit )
$type should be one of: ‘monthly’, ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, or ‘postbypost’.
If you don’t specify, it will be taken from the option settings.
$limit is (I _think_) a limit to the number of archive links returned.
If you want to use a limit, specify a positive integer (1, 2, 3, etc.).
If you don’t specify it, it defaults to blank (the same as ”), which
means “no limit.” (My explanation of $limit is based on my $limited
understanding of the wp code, so I may be wrong. If in doubt, leave
it blank.)