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Any input on this will be appreciated…
Can you tell me which tool you use to test the facebook events like you said?
I did ask about the Meta pixel, but answering your previous post, I wrote that in addition to the Meta pixel, I have also another pixel with different Id installed for the Google Analytics in the Pixel Your Site settings.
Could that be the cause of this error?
I have GA4 Id installed through the PYS settings, I’ll check and make sure there are no other pixel related plugins or code.
I’ll update you accordingly.
Thanks for the quick reply ??
Maybe there is a way to force new products load and then scroll to position in Javascript (jQuery) after page load?
Thanks for the reply. Then what do you suggest to do in this case?
Continuing the checks I made, I think have pinpoint the issue to the following:
When an unregistered user adds the product to the wishlist, and then go to the wishlist page, the added products are displayed in the wishlist page but are not marked as being in the wishlist – it has an empty heart icon and not a full heart icon. Also in the product page for example, the product isn’t marked as being in the wishlist, even tough it is indeed in the wishlist.
Please assist as soon as possible,
Thanks.Is there a way to programmatically add the parent product to the wishlist using php or javascript or ajax?
It seems to be changing the queried_object_id after clicking the taxonomy filter. I am using the following code in my category template:
<?php $current_cat_id = get_queried_object_id(); $term_children = get_term_children($current_cat_id, 'product_cat'); $shortcode_str = ''; if ($current_cat_id == 61) $shortcode_str = "categories-3-2-2-2";?> <div class="product_cat_title align_center"><h1><?php echo get_term($current_cat_id)->name;?></h1></div> <?php echo do_shortcode('[yith_wcan_filters slug="'.$shortcode_str.'"]');?>
Please check the link again and assist…
Strange – I see that it is working now… But why does it change the breadcrumb and category title – when it is ajax functionality? How do I maintain the title and breadcrumb after filtering?
Thank you very much…