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There is a missing function in the NGG library that used to be in the ngg-db.php file.
This is the missing function:
* Get all the album nad unserialize the content
* @since 1.3.0
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $order_dir
* @return array $album
function find_all_album( $order_by = ‘id’, $order_dir = ‘ASC’) {
global $wpdb;$order_dir = ( $order_dir == ‘DESC’) ? ‘DESC’ : ‘ASC’;
$this->albums = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $wpdb->nggalbum ORDER BY {$order_by} {$order_dir}” , OBJECT_K );if ( !$this->albums )
return array();foreach ($this->albums as $key => $value) {
$this->albums[$key]->galleries = (array) unserialize($this->albums[$key]->sortorder);
$this->albums[$key]->name = stripslashes( $this->albums[$key]->name );
$this->albums[$key]->albumdesc = stripslashes( $this->albums[$key]->albumdesc );
}return $this->albums;
}It seems that the ACF-NGG-addon is calling nggdb::find_all_album and fails because the function doesn’t exist anymore.
I don’t have any other plug-in other than this…
Can you try to see what changed that I can not attach a gallery to a post anymore? the drop down disappeared…
My site worked great until the last update
I can generate new galleries, yet, from the post that had a drop-down to link them, there is nothing left. The drop-down is no longer there
Here is a dump of the server settings:
Operating System : WINNT (32 Bit)
Server : Microsoft-IIS/7.5
Memory usage : 12.36 MByte
MYSQL Version : 5.1.70-community
PHP Version : 5.3.24
PHP Safe Mode : Off
PHP Allow URL fopen : On
PHP Memory Limit : 128
PHP Max Upload Size : 8M
PHP Max Post Size : 8M
PCRE Backtracking Limit : 1000000
PHP Max Script Execute Time : 300s
PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
PHP IPTC support : Yes
PHP XML support : YesGraphic Library
GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support : Yes
FreeType Linkage : with freetype
T1Lib Support : No
GIF Read Support : Yes
GIF Create Support : Yes
JPEG Support : Yes
PNG Support : Yes
WBMP Support : Yes
XPM Support : Yes
XBM Support : Yes
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : No