Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WYSIWYG editor for Comments?There is such a plugin that already exists, which you can find here:
According to the plugin compatibility page version 1.7 works with the *final* release of 2.0.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enclosure Feild Output as a LinkBah. After much investigation I’ve solved this myself. I did it by finding the
function in feed-functions.php and modifying it, since it’s not usable in html. Here’s how I wrote mine:<?php if (get_post_custom_values(enclosure)!='') {
while(list($key, $val) = each( get_post_custom() )) {
if($key == 'enclosure') {
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach($val as $enc) {
$enclosure = split( "n", $enc );
'<a href="'.trim( htmlspecialchars($enclosure[0]) ).'"
title="Download '.trim($enclosure[3]).'">
' .trim($enclosure[3]). '</a>';
Line breaks have been added for clarity. Note that I added a fourth attribute for my enclosure field($enclosure[3])
where I write the custom title that will appear on the page. This code is currently in use on a torrent podcasting blog I do.For anyone else that seeks to do this (assumably common) task, I hope I’ve been a help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enclosure Feild Output as a LinkForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Sidebar Archives Date FormatForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I create a custom page such as “About Us” pageAdmin -> Manage -> Pages
you could set the slug to ‘about’ then the page would be
https://www.stickysf.com/aboutForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enclosure Feild Output as a LinkNo one knows the answer to such a question?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enclosure Feild Output as a Link*bump*, please
It seems like you’re looking for this plugin called “Nice Search”.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A texte before a paswword protected post ?This tip was extremely helpful, if I do say so… and I do. It’s exactly what I was looking for.
Muchos gracias, lstelie.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: different backgroundimages for each category on the mainpageIf you wanted to have <img> tags put in for each category, it would be pretty simple to use the Category Images plugin. However, what I think you’re seeking sounds like it’d be easier accomplished using php to define a unique class for each category, then assigning unique styles.
<?php if (is_category('about')) { ?>
<?php } elseif (is_category('books')) { ?>
<?php } elseif ...(etc)
{ ?>
<?php } ?>Learn more about conditional tags in the codex.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: adding custom fields?I think the “get custom fields” plugin would do the trick.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Protecting ImagesAs a matter of fact, I do. And I’ll explain.
The default image size Flickr uses is 500×375. They place the real image along with another blank one inside the same <div>:
<img src="https://static.flickr.com....jpg"
alt="" width="500" height="375"><img style="position:relative; top:-377px; margin-bottom:-377px; display:block;" src="/images/spaceball.gif" alt="" width="500" height="375">
‘Spaceball.gif’ is a 1×1 transparent jpg that is moved 377px (which includes 2px worth of border) and stretched to cover the entire area of the photo. Inline styles are used because linked stylesheets can be easily turned off. I must say, though, it’s not 100% effective. In order for a user to view an image it must be downloaded, and once downloaded it’s on their machine. And one can always view the source (which is, of course, how I know all this ;-).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Protecting ImagesOh, and Google’s cache will take a few days to clear out. Best to check back then.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Protecting ImagesPlacing images outside /public_html is a good idea. But no, there would be no permanent URI unless you knew how to redirect with .htaccess. The upload address under ‘Miscellaneous’ will be the absolute file location, e.g:
(no trailing slash)Bear in mind, though, to be viewed it will be downloaded, which means people can save them. If you want to discourage even this, you can do what Flickr does: place real pictures underneath a transparent
element.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Enhanced View Plugin – Anyone Have It?A generally reliable place to find this plugin would be here: