Forum Replies Created
I just did the test:
the screenshot of final calulation is :
In this we have a final amount of €39.80, incl VAT (21%)
the VAT amount is calulated as :
(39.8 – (39.8/1.21)) = 6.90
and is thus correct
if we calc reverse :total amount excl Tax = 39.8-6.90 = 32.90
if we now calc tax on that amount (21%) we have 32.9 * 0.21 = 6.9 and thus correct- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by orotec.
Since WePOS is a POS (Point of sales) system,
it presumes direct sales and thus no shipping.
It is a cash register to use in a physical store (or at a market) where people have physical interaction with the salesperson and get the items directly in hand, after paying cashForum: Plugins
In reply to: [wePOS - Point Of Sale (POS) for WooCommerce] Taxes added in the price@nazmulhassann20
Great work.
Thanks for the quick response.
looking forward to testing the new update.Kind regards,
uhm, by downloading the GitHub PVP/javascript code from this project and develop it yourself?
I am a user myself, not a developer of this project.hi, check https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/payment-methods-19/ post, developers say it will come in the near future.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wePOS - Point Of Sale (POS) for WooCommerce] Taxes added in the priceI am sorry to bust your bubble…
In Settings I have WooCommerce VAT settings as shown hereOn the WooCOmmerce Webshop I get this in Shopping card checkout WooCommerce Webshop
When I use WePos, I get Prices Incl. in POS while adding items to order,
but when I look at total amount, it adds another VAT… look here : WooPos printscreen with same productsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [wePOS - Point Of Sale (POS) for WooCommerce] Taxes added in the priceHint from another developer:
in second comment to what I write before,
when calling v3/SettingOptions(“Tax”)(I use WooCommerce.Net for Rest Calls)
you can read out the value of woocommerce_tax_display_cart,
when value == “excl” the prices you get in the prodcts from API are excl vat,
when value == “incl”, the prices you get in products from API are Incl VAT, and VAT does not have to be added twice,
or you could make a function, called after fetch_products, (somthing like recalc_product_prices_excl_VAT) that checks the tax settingoption and, when value is ‘incl’, recalculates prices excl VAT in de memory products dictionary, so the rest of your code works fine…Kind regards,
LucForum: Plugins
In reply to: [wePOS - Point Of Sale (POS) for WooCommerce] Taxes added in the priceHi,
We have the same issue, seems WWePos uses the price shown to customer as base price, and adds taxes afterwards, even idf the WooCommerce Tax Settings say : Show customer price Tax included, WePos still adds tax on total.
Tip for development :I thing WePos has to take the field known in web_page under “woocommerce_tax_display_cart” into account to see if the pricefield it uses right now has VAT incl or not, or check the field “woocommerce_tax_display_shop” to see if manager inputs sales price VAT incl. and us (un)calculated price as shown in product card.