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  • If you will not be coding at all, your best bet is to use a Membership plugin. There are several very good ones.

    For example, try the WP-Members plugin. Once installed you can specify that certain pages/posts of your site can be viewed only by a logged-in member.

    I had this problem, even with the latest version of WP SEO (1.4.15).

    The “Disable the date-based archives” checkbox was on, and I turned it off, but the archives continue to get redirected to the home page.

    I put in some debug code, checking the value of:

    isset( $options['disable-date'] ) && $options['disable-date']

    and it reported that disable-date was still On.

    I never found out how the option value could return On when the checkbox was Off, but in the end I just disabled archive_redirect, by putting the following in my theme’s functions.php:

    function my_plugins_loaded() {
    	global $wpseo_front;
    	remove_action( 'wp', array( $wpseo_front, 'archive_redirect' ), 1 );

    By default WordPress filters out out the br and p tags in the HTML (i.e. Text) panel of the Page/Post content editor.

    One way to change this so the tags appear in the HTML / Text view is to install the TinyMCE Advanced plugin (

    Once it is installed it will let you customize the editor interface in a number of ways. Particularly, you can go to Settings > TinyMCE Advanced and turn on a checkbox to “Stop removing the <p> and tags when saving and show them in the HTML editor ”

    XTREEMMAK: I think you can mark the topic resolved.


    Yes, that fixes it:

    Set PHP register_globals to Off.
    Deleted the PHPSESSID cookie from my browser cache.

    Thanks a lot!

    Yes, register_globals was enabled.

    I set up a php.ini to turn register_globals off. I checked with a display of phpinfo.php that they got turned off.

    I restored the Field Group that I had removed and the same form.php error occurs.

    I am getting a similar error. I have used CFS on another project and it has worked very well. I just installed it for a new project (Version 1.8.9).

    I set up a Field Group and added a Text field, applied to all Pages.
    I opened up an Edit Page screen and there was no problem.

    Then I added a Select field to the same Field Group.

    If I go back to an Edit Page screen, it reports the error:

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type cfs as array in
    [...]plugins/custom-field-suite/includes/classes/form.php on line 240
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: MySQL Fatal error

    It depends on whether there is a table named “teachers” with that specified row, etc. It depends on your particular data.

    If I were you, I’d temporarily include:


    after $mylink is set, to get more information on what was returned.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: MySQL Fatal error

    My guess is that you need to declare

    global $wpdb;

    prior to your PHP code.

    Looks like you’re using the Exec-PHP plugin. Make sure you use
    caution in surfacing any PHP / database functionality. If the code makes use of visitor-supplied data (i.e. $_GET variables), then poorly-secured code can allow SQL injection and other exploits.

    Thread Starter oxfordian3


    I found the source of the problem.

    It was indeed related to the W3 Total Cache plugin, and specifically to the Minify HTML feature, which was set to “HTML Tidy”. I think this enables the use of the PHP Tidy module.

    Once I changed the Minify HTML method from “HTML Tidy” to “Default”, the <!DOCTYPE html> was restored.

    Maybe there are other workarounds (or issues that are specific only to our site), but for now this restores our layout (which looked very broken on Internet Explorer without the HTML5 declaration).

    The Grido theme ($39) at themify is similar.

    You might also find others, even free ones, if you Google for “tumblr style wordpress themes”.

    Now that I see it, I agree that it looks good as you now have it, with the whole content (text and image) centered, since the bug image integrates with the text like an inline element. Good job.

    It looks like you have the Melville theme, but have replaced the default HTML text with an PNG containing graphic text and the accompanying image of the bug.

    It doesn’t appear centered because the PNG itself is wider than the layout of the theme. The content area of the theme is 650px wide but your PNG (header.png) is 806px wide (where most of the width is just white space).

    Probably the simplest thing is to re-edit the PNG (in Photoshop, or however it was built), so that it 650px wide and centered. I’d guess you want the text centered and the bug image to appear to the right, as opposed to centering all the content (which would shift the text to the left). But regardless — you need to replace the PNG with one that is 650px wide.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Amen] Warning message

    Glad to help! (You can mark the thread as resolved.)

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Amen] Warning message

    It looks like a problem with the Amen plugin.

    I can view the plugin source code at:

    and in line 38, the code is

    setcookie("wp_amen_session", $amen_session, time() + 631138519, '/');

    The plugin is trying to set a cookie after HTML output has commenced (headers already sent), which is not allowed.

    The fix would have to be made by the plugin author. It seems to me that the change should be on line 17 of the same file:

    add_action( 'wp_head', 'amen_cookies' );

    If it was changed to

    add_action( 'init', 'amen_cookies' );

    then I think it would probably fix it.

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