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  • Hah, good timing of the reply – I was just looking for exactly this.
    Here’s a screenshot of my Pagespeed suggestions – the font by ESSB is the biggest delay in loading. I ain’t no expert, but I believe the preload would not harm the functionality of the plugin.
    I believe it’s a fix only the devs can make.

    Test if the jQuery migration enabler plugin helps. A lot of fairly random problems are connected to the new update of jQuery.
    If it doesn’t help, make sure to turn the plugin off again. Same if the problem is fixed with a new WordPress version. *crossesFingers*

    There now seems to be a proper ticket on the WordPress development tracker. I hope this gets enough attention, so it’s fixed with 5.6.

    For completeness, I can confirm what @rdpshop is saying: It’s not the theme. I switched to the default twenty twenty-one theme, and it didn’t fix it. I turned off all plugins, and it didn’t fix it.

    > That seems to confirm something is going wrong with some event.

    Yeah. Some event is breaking, and thus not closing the html tags properly, I reckon.

    @ooops6 – I’m not aware of performance issues. If I de/activate the migration plugin, the admin section runs at the same speed as far as I see.

    BTW: I also switched my theme to the twenty-twenty-one, because the WordPress devs blame it on themes. But it doesn’t help. So at least for me it’s not the theme or the plugins.
    But since you had more issues, maybe it’s the case for you.

    The only workaround currently is the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin.
    It reverts to an older jQuery version, and then the editor (in my case “insert from URL”) works again.

    Though this is not a permanent fix. I assume that this means the classic editor uses old jQuery functions, and since the WordPress team doesn’t update it anymore, it just stays broken. It’s not a problem of this specific plugin – as all this does is activate the existing classic editor that is broken. Any other way to enable the classic editor (e.g. via the functions.php) leads to the same problem.
    Not sure if we can alert the WordPress devs in a better place.

    One by one, I deactivated all plugins. None of that fixed the issue. I doubt it’s my theme – as it’s broken in the editor, which shouldn’t load my theme anyways.

    So I guess the WordPress team would have to update the code. But they don’t seem to care about the old editor anyways… so we’re probably stuck.
    I would love to hear I’m wrong, as I’m no expert.

    I don’t even see how it’s easier. It has tons of buttons – half of them are hidden somewhere in a complex of sub- and side-menus. The html is less readable. And everything needs more clicks.
    Besides that it’s still buggy for me. Overall it’s still a catastrophe.

    But for all I see, now the classic one is broken because it uses outdated jQuery… so I might be forced to step over … and somehow deal with the resulting headache.

    Uhh, I just reverted to an older jquery via a plugin – and that fixed it. :/

    My issue is in a way different – but I get the impression the root cause is the same, which might be deeper than just this plugin.

    Whenever I turn on the classic editor, I can’t use “Insert from URL”.
    It looks garbled in a way as if the html tags don’t close properly.
    Here’s an image how it appears.

    I can actually go into the inspector mode, and move some <span> tags around, and that fixes it for the moment when I edit that post.

    I tried deleting the cache, reloading while holding shift. Updated everything. Waited some days. Used different browsers.
    It’s not directly linked to this plugin – as it also happens if I disable Gutenberg via a functions entry. But see what’s written here, it looks like the same issue?
    Couldn’t find anything via google, and don’t know where else to look.

    Even was trying to maybe now step over to Gutenberg … haha, it’s still a total mess and unusable. I really don’t get what’s going on there.

    Thread Starter Thomas Schmall


    Thanks for the speedy reply.

    > Regarding the stock filter, is your shop installation very old?

    So indeed, that was it! I changed the old items’s stock to 1 and then back to 0. After that, they disappeared with the “in stock” filter.

    > As for the ajax mode not working, could you please be more specific?

    When I set the Filtering Style to “Ajax with instant submission”, then the shop display doesn’t update after a change in the filter.
    I have a custom theme, so I tried fixing it by playing around with the “Products html wrapper” setting. With most settings I tried, usually my site-navigation disappears. In my case only when I set it to “.content” then the instant submission does work, but the filter settings disappear after one instant update.

    On a side note here: It then paginates the products (which shouldn’t happen, as I have turned it off for woocommerce). But the pages don’t work … the URLs link to “” … of which I have no clue where it got the idea from. “shoppage” is not how my shop is named – and I don’t see a setting anywhere for that. It doesn’t seem to come from woocommerce.

    And one more: When using pagination with “URL submit”, the filter settings also don’t show up on page 2 and so on. Not sure if it’s intended behavior – but it seems unpractical. Currently I turned off pagination for woocommerce.

    > Unfortunately I am not allowed to give you full premium support on this forum.

    I’ll write the AJAX part in the form.
    Though currently I can live with the URL submit. Just kinda would’ve been nice to have – it might be a bit much for the price considering I have a custom theme.

    Anyways, thanks for the help with the Stock-Filter.

    Mike Jolley wrote:

    Never mind, just realised. It returns ALL related, then shuffles them to give them the appearance of rand order. It does not query oldest to newest.

    I don’t think that’s accurate. I don’t see any shuffling. On my webshop with some artworks it’s always the exact same items for me.
    Notice how the oil paintings have all the same tags and categories – but never show up as related to each other. Instead for some reason only two related items show up, that only share one category.

    I cleared the transient cache. And it’s still the same. Not sure what’s going on, but something is broken there.

    Plugin Author Thomas Schmall


    This is not possible as of now. But sounds like a great feature indeed – thanks for the idea. I will add it in the coming months (this one is a bit tricky). I’ll update here once I’m done.

    Plugin Author Thomas Schmall


    Hi Adamisgroup. It is not possible in the current setup, but I researched a bit and think that will be possible with a bit of coding. It might take me a week or so (only doing this on the side obviously), I’ll update here when I’m done.

    Thank you for the input.

    Thread Starter Thomas Schmall


    I achieved enlightenment! Thus allowing me to use filters ??

    I now first filter the price display, and then the cart button – each time attaching before or after my extra html. But I have to make sure in the code that it only affects the shortcode on the blog – not the woocommerce pages, and oddly also so it doesn’t affect the admin page.

    Thanks for the hint to the child-themes JukeBoxWhiz. It got me on the right track, even though it’s a different workaround in the end. Because Wocoomerce doesn’t offer templates for the shortcodes either.

    It’s a bit hacky – so would love if the admins of WooCommerce would add a clean way to change the shortcode look. I’m not the only one asking for it.
    But I’m happy now I don’t have to edit the code on every update ??

    Did you try WordPress’s custom fields? It is fairly easy to set them, and then read them out in code. They are specific for the product where you defined them.

    I assume there would then be a filter/hook to change the item’s short description accordingly.

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