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  • ODSupport


    Hi @mfghost

    If you can verify that the two pages have not content and are not used, it should be safe to remove.

    Our suggestions will be:

    Make a backup of your site before you remove the pages if you are not sure. In case you have to go back to what you had.

    Make sure they are not used as static page. The appropriate options for setting a static page as the front page can be found by visiting Settings > Reading from the navigation in the WordPress admin dashboard.

    On some themes, you can also choose your homepage from the Customizer, using these steps:

    1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
    2. Go to Appearance → Customize.
    3. Select Homepage Settings.
    4. Select A static page under Your homepage displays.
    5. From the drop-down menu under Homepage, choose your new page as the front page for your site.
    6. Click Save Changes at the top of the Customizer.

    Some themes, can also allow you to set a custom homepage from the Pages screen by following these steps:

    1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
    2. Click on Pages.
    3. Locate the page you wish to set as your homepage and click the three dots next to it.
    4. Select Set as Homepage:
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by ODSupport.


    Hi @tobiasphilipp

    There are many ways to change the typography and most WordPress themes allow you to customize fonts using the native customizer.

    While this may vary ever so slightly across themes, you can do it in Gutemberg when using Astra theme by editing any of your posts or pages and select the text you’d like to modify under the block tab > typography.

    Since it can also be done using the theme customizer. Head over to Appearance > Customize to access the WordPress customizer. You’ll need to locate the theme’s typography settings for this to work. Since you are using the Astra theme, click on Global and then the Typography tab.

    If after doing this it it still not working, you might have to reach to Astra support.



    Hi @davidrosen

    If your theme does a customized call to load the featured image, you should go with their instructions. If it doesn’t, to achieve this you could use a plugin such as the conditionally display featured image on singular posts and pages. This plugin lets you choose for each post or page, if the featured image should be shown in the single view



    Hola Alejandro

    Una manera como puedes validar estos campos en el checkout de woocomerce se puede lograr desde el archivo functions.php, el cual puedes encontrar en el folder de tu WordPress theme.


    Debes a?adir un método a woocommerce_checkout_process en tu functions.php.

    Aca te dejo un ejemplo para validar que sean campos obligatorios, también valida Nombre y Apellido solo acepten letras.

    Puedes utilizar el método ctype_alpha ctype_alpha que retorna un valor TRUE

    Note: Method to validate woocommerce fields (Name, Lastname)
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', 'validateName_Lastname', 10, 2);
    function validateName_Lastname( $fields, $errors ){
    if ( !ctype_alpha($fields[ 'billing_first_name' ]) || !ctype_alpha($fields[ 'billing_last_name' ])  ){
            $errors->add( 'validation', 'Nombre y Apellidos deben ser SOLO letras' );
    if ($fields[ 'billing_first_name' ]==''  ||  $fields[ 'billing_last_name' ]==''  ){
        $errors->add( 'validation', 'Nombre y Apellidos son campos obligatorio' );



    Hi @kevin_freeman

    MySQL is the database system that is used to add, access, and manage content in your WordPress website

    Have you made any changes recently in your wp-config.php file?

    The firs thing we can suggest is to check this file. Make sure that you have the correct MySQL database username and password in it.

    If the above is correct and you are sure you have the correct username and password in the wp-config.php file, then contact your hosting provider’s support team to ask if the database server is offline.



    Hi @princesamzy

    This issue could have different root causes so we will start pointing you to some fixes that may help narrow the issue.

    Disable the cache plugin in your website. If this solves the problem, then you may have to enable the “admin cache” or disable the “object cache” feature (or its equivalent).

    Increase the memory limit of your website. This is a little technical since it involves working in your hosting service, using your cPanel or an FTP tool to make the changes.

    To increase the memory limit of your website, you need to access the wp-config.php file and add the following snippet to the code:

    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );

    It could also be possible that the “connection lost” problem occurred due to the hosting provider’s ModSec rules (a set of generic attack detection rules). If the error occurred when you tried to save a large page or a lengthy post (especially one with lots of media in it), then it’s likely that this is the reason.

    To fix this, you need to increase the “No Files Limit” parameter on the cPanel by editing the modsec2.user.conf file, the value could be doubled, AND you can find it in this location:




    Hi @maryhelenmaccarthy

    It all depends how you want to prevent the indexing. Maintenance plugins won’t prevent from indexing.

    WordPress comes with a built-in feature that allows you to instruct search engines not to index your site. All you need to do is visit Settings ? Reading and check the box next to ‘Search Engine Visibility’.

    When this box is checked, WordPress adds a line to your website’s header and also modifies your site’s robots.txt file.

    <meta name='robots'content='noindex,follow'/>

    Even though they might have lines that ask robots (web crawlers) not to index pages, it is totally up to search engines to accept this request or ignore it. Even though most search engines respect the request, there is still a chance that some pages or images from your site may get indexed.

    In your case, since you have an online site that you do not want to put offline while you work on your modifications, you might want search engines to crawl and index your website, but not include certain posts or pages in search results pages for now. Not sure if you can do this with other SEO plugins to “only include certain posts or pages”, but in this case, we will recommend using the SEO Plugin All In One SEO. Once the plugin is set up, you can use it to ask search engines not to index certain posts and pages. Again, it is totally up to search engines to accept this request or ignore it.

    You can edit the post or page that you don’t want to be indexed. Scroll down to AIOSEO Settings at the bottom of the WordPress editor and click the ‘Advanced’ tab. Here, switch the ‘Use Default Settings’ toggle to the off position.

    Once this setting is turned off, you can click the ‘No Index’ checkbox. Once the post is published or updated, search engines will be asked not to index it.

    Hope this method helps. Otherwise, you may have to consider the provided solution with password protect or you can also password protect your directories using the ‘Directory Privacy’ from your web hosting admin panel.



    Hi @ahmedwaseem2010

    Even though I can see what is happening on your site, it is hard to tell exactly what has changed without looking at the slides widget configuration.

    To access your slides widget configuration, you need to open the page where the slide widget is located using your Elementor page builder.

    Here is the Slider Widget help for your reference.

    If you get stuck editing the widget, I will suggest reaching our to your web designer or someone that can check for you.



    Hi @dtonnaire

    Sorry to hear this is happening after your migration.

    It seems like the rights to the /wp-admin folder didn’t get set properly with the migration.

    In order to understand better and provide some guidance, can you tell us a bit more about the migration process?

    What do you mean by “I can connect, but i can’t access my dashboard.“. You can log into the wordpress dashboard but cannot see admin options?

    Was it a manual migration or did you use any migration plugin?

    Was the migration process properly handled? The files and the database were completely backed up and migrated?

    Where there any errors during the migration process?

    You can also enable define('WP_DEBUG', true) in wp-config.php file and see if you get any error that shows what is happening.



    Hi @ahmedwaseem2010

    It is hard for me to tell what exactly changed without looking at your site, however, I can recommend you open the page where the slider is configured using Elementor, if you are satisfied with what you see in your Elementor page editor, go ahead and click the “publish” button.



    Hi @ahmedwaseem2010

    It looks like you have changed the slider configuration. Did you make the changes in the slider using your Elementor page builder? If you wanted to modify the logo, it should be in the global header configuration.



    Hi Natalie @ncfuentes ,

    There are tons of WordPress maintenance mode plugins in the market. Check this Maintenance plugin, which allows the WordPress site administrator to close the website for maintenance and it is very easy to configure.

    Reply if there are any other questions.



    Hi @windspeed

    This could be the phone conversion tracking code, provided by Google Ads. I understand that the Google tag uses a random, forwarding number in order to track call conversions. That’s Google’s way to track if a call is initiated after the user clicks on the advertisement.

    I will suggest to ask your web administrator to removed the tracking code from the google Ads and check. If not, it could be also a Web Application Firewall (WAF) in front of the web server masking the phone numbers for privacy.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Login wordpress


    Hi @djuka06

    Most of the time if sites are hacked, the admin accounts are also deleted from the database. If you have access to your Cpanel, there is a way to Add an aAdmin user to de WP database using phpMyAdmin.

    With that being said, there are lots of instruction out there you could search for but here is one that we think is easy to follow.



    Hi @luciasantiago82

    Glad we were able to help. Feel free to reach out if there are any other questions.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by ODSupport.
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