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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: AOL user unable to comment in 1.5aha. now I come to think of it, she was able to comment briefly for about a day when I was doing the re-install and didn’t have hashcash plugged in.
I’ll give that a try thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: AOL user unable to comment in 1.5Her IP address is not in my list, and even if it was, she would be sent to moderation, rather than not being sent anywhere at all.
The only things I can think of are kittens spam words – is there a way of seeing the list of IP addresses which have been banned? And the blacklist checkbox ticked for open/insecure proxies.
I guess I’ll try having her comment when not using these and try to work out by a process of elimination what is going on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: spam new problem in 1.5I think that the auto close comments plugin is working and that it just doesn’t work for PB and TB. It is certainly still closing off my comments as before. But trackback spam always did make it through. I’ve downloaded the moderation plugins to try. Thanks!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] Upgrade problemsI actually fiddled with my users page in admin as I saw there was a blank profile in there, with no posts attached, a blank name field and a email address. I thought that might be linked to the fact that all my commenters were coping up as anonymous, with the same email address as above.
This solved the problem in the short term, but as I don’t really know why, I wouldn’t advocate doing that! But as I also accidentally deleted a second version of my own profile which seemed to be linked to my imported posts from blogger, I created more problems for myself and had to re-install everything including database to get them back.
If I hadn’t done any of the above, and had just customised a more recent version of comments.php to fit my theme, it would all have been okay…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1.5 commenters all appear as ‘anonymous’Ok so to anyone having a similar problem: the problem was my wp-comments.php file which was pretty old (1.2) and no longer compatible with 1.5.
Using a more recent comments.php sorted the various problems out.
And of course my database had to be deleted and the backup copy uploaded to put back what I had wiped off..
Thank you Podz!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugins included in 1.5Thanks. I looked and realised that I was missing the javascript file which goes with the plugin.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1.5 commenters all appear as ‘anonymous’Now I’ve really gone and made a mess. I took the phantom authors status down to 0, they then appeared as users. I deleted them. The total number of posts on my dashboard has now gone down. This corresponded to the ones I imported from blogger pre September 2004. Does this mean that I have permanently deleted some old posts?
And, yes, I did back up my SQL database, but I wouldn’ t have the first idea of how to restore it.
I am seriously wishing I had NEVER got started on this upgrade.
Is anybody out there?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 1.5 commenters all appear as ‘anonymous’Can I just add that in the authors/users admin screen it is a little odd.
Apart from ID N?° 1 – me – with level 10 access, there is another line, with my name, [email protected] as email address and level 1 access, with 66 of my posts attributed to it, and a fourth ID which is blank, [email protected] email address again and level 1 access.
When my commenters fill in their name and send the comment they tell me that it appears to refresh their details to Anonymous, [email protected] and then send it. Which matches this mysterious fourth profile. I note these profiles can be edited but not deleted. How can I make the phantom ones go away? Will this help my commenting problem in any way?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] Upgrade problemsHi there – I am indeed having a comments problem.
I have now unchecked the boxes which were default checked in the options/discussion section requiring name/email and saying that comments would be moderated the first time a new commenter joined the site.
Comments can now be added, but every one (apart from my own) is coming up with ‘anonymous’ as the name, and a email address.
Can anyone help with this?
I had used podz’ comments.php instead of my own which was not working at all. I’m thinking I may have to start over with the default comments.php provided with the upgrade. But I can’t do that until I get home this evening.
In the meantime, is there anything I can do to enable my commenters not to appear anonymous?
Can a few more of you try leaving comments?
I really appreciate your help!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] Upgrade problemsJust in case anyone else is having the same problem – I ended up uploading a different version of comments.php as mine was very old indeed and I could no longer remember what had been tweaked for various plugins (and yes, I know that is naughty). And that magically restored the comments to my site. I’ll just have to tweak until I get it looking like it used to. But the panic is essentially over.
I note that some plugins cause problems too, but I haven’t had time to go and look at the info on those.
I like to think the theme is ‘dirty pink and chocolate’, dawg. Nothing too Barbie I hope. ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] Upgrade problemsyes I do, and I just checked that my index.php file in carrots has the corrected
<?php comments_template(); ?>
line in there too.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] Upgrade problemsooh
I just switched on the customisable post listings plugin, and that solved a whole lot of problems up front. The whole menu bar is okay, apart from a bit of lost formatting in the link titles, which I can live with right now.
The priority now is the comments. When I click on one of the comments links or the number of comments at the end of a post I just get the post with a blank space underneath.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [1.5] Upgrade problemsI’d be happy to phone you!
I don’t have any instant messenger installed at the moment.