Pablo Spinelli
Forum Replies Created
Connectivity Test.
Transport Socket Status
SMTP localhost:25 Open
SMTP localhost:587 Open
SMTP localhost:465 Open
SMTP localhost:2525 Close
SMTP localhost:4065 Close
SMTP localhost:25025 CloseI have the same problem…
′′Your Web Host provider may have installed a firewall between you and the server.
Contact the admin of the server and ask if they allow outgoing communication on port 25,465,587.
It seems like they are blocking certain traffic. Ask them to open the ports.
—————————————————————————————- ′′Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cyclone Slider] Image limitWhere i chance the POST_MAX_VARS?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Required fields for customersThanks guys!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Contac don′t worlThanks Kevin, the problem was the host. They don′t support the php email. I have to install the puglin Contct form 7 and Wp Mail SMTP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Error a procesar el pagoGracias…
Y otra consulta, como puedo exigirle al que compra, que deba colocar mas datos, quiero que deba poner su documento y otras opciones obligatorias.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Error a procesar el pagoEstan mal los datos de Mercadopago no?
Y otra consulta, como puedo exigirle al que compra, que deba colocar mas datos, quiero que deba poner su documento y otras opciones obligatorias.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Error a procesar el pagoLOG
08-01-2016 @ 15:43:42 – Payment arguments for order 155: Array
[back_urls] => Array
[success] =>
[failure] =>
[pending] =>
)[payer] => Array
[name] => Pablo
[surname] => Spinelli
[email] => [email protected]
)[external_reference] => WC-155
[items] => Array
[0] => Array
[quantity] => 1
[unit_price] => 3510
[currency_id] => ARS
[title] => Pedido 155 – Tour de Compra Santiago de Chile x 1
[notification_url] =>
)08-01-2016 @ 15:43:42 – Getting client credentials…
08-01-2016 @ 15:43:43 – Received invalid response from MercadoPago. Error response: Array
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 01 Aug 2016 15:43:44 GMT
[content-type] => application/json;charset=UTF-8
[connection] => close
[vary] => Accept,Accept-Encoding
[cache-control] => max-age=0
[x-content-type-options] => nosniff
[x-request-id] => 5e4ef163-e953-489b-a665-dbf60d7e93ef
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[access-control-allow-headers] => Content-Type
[access-control-allow-methods] => PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
[access-control-max-age] => 86400
[x-xss-protection] => 1; mode=block
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15724800
)[body] => {“message”:”invalid client_id or client_secret.”,”error”:”invalid_client”,”status”:400,”cause”:[]}
[response] => Array
[code] => 400
[message] => Bad Request
)[cookies] => Array
)[filename] =>
)08-01-2016 @ 15:43:44 - Generate payment error response: Array
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 01 Aug 2016 15:43:44 GMT
[content-type] => application/json;charset=UTF-8
[connection] => close
[x-mlapi-version] => 2.0.96
[vary] => Accept,Accept-Encoding
[cache-control] => max-age=0
[x-libra-upstreamhost] =>
[x-gav] => master
[x-content-type-options] => nosniff
[x-nginx-host] => e-0001412f
[x-nginx-pool] => checkout-api-webserver-write-master
[x-nginx-upstreamhost] =>
[x-request-id] => de32492a-93d5-4891-9474-bdabbba8b64f
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[access-control-allow-headers] => Content-Type
[access-control-allow-methods] => PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
[access-control-max-age] => 86400
)[body] => {"message":"access denied","error":"invalid_access_token","status":401,"cause":[]}
[response] => Array
[code] => 401
[message] => Unauthorized
)[cookies] => Array
)[filename] =>
----Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Error a procesar el pago′′ Error procesando el pedido. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo ′′
Al querer pagar con Mercadopago.
No muestra nada el Log del plugin. Ahora voy a tratar de poner de nuevo los datos de Mercadopago a ver si es eso.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Contac don′t worlDon′t send de mail….
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Contac don′t worlYes, i put the email in Appearance> theme Options> Misc Settings.
The email is ok, only don′t work in the contact page.
Now i tryng the plugin to run a test.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Error al procesar el pagoSucede el mismo problema con Versión 2.0.5
I do something else….very easy but because i don’t have iphone, i can do it the chance and see.
The phone number convert in a link to call. I chance the color of the link.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Not visible contact phone number in iphone / ipadResolve!!! thanks
Roselve!! I can do it! Thanks!