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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Error establishing a Database ConnectionJust so I understand, when you deactivate woocommerce, you can login to wordpress and it works no problem, but when you activate woocommerce, database connection error?
If this is correct, the only conclusion I can come to is that your database is corrupt. Log into MyPHP admin and repair the tables in your database and see if that works.
If you can’t get into wordpress at all, then it would lead me to believe a problem with your wp-config file and the database credentials.
I did once have a problem like this I couldn’t explain, so I added another user to the database with full credentials and then changed up the wp-config to login to the database with the new users credentials and then it magically worked.
Please clarify the issue.
I too have the exact same problem. It goes along fine until it hits the woocommerce tables and then fails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Import and export users and customers] Emails not sentI also have the same problem. I’ve configured SMTP and I get the test email no problem. However, when adding a new user, no email is sent. If I use another plugin like “resend new user email” that email goes through. All other emails from the site appear to be working fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] permalinks don't work with WPMLsorry typo:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] How can increase limit 50 variations?I think your barking up the wrong tree. I struggle with having 50-60 variations.
If you can’t break down the products into smaller chunks, then you really should consider another platform.
The problem is that each variation creates hundreds of database writes every time you open a product. 50-60 bogs it down. 30,0000 or a 100,000 no way.
You can try this to see if it helps at all, I don’t know what your max is on your server but you can experiment.
max_input_vars = 2000 in your PHP.INI file. Default is a 1000, you can try higher see if that helps. I’ve bumped it up to 3000, but with 30,0000 variables I don’t know if you’re going to be successful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Multiple VariationsI would use a coupon to reduce the price, or there is a quantity discount plugin I’ve used. I think it’s called bulk discounts or something like that.
As far as selecting multiple product variations from a single page, you could use gravity forms and the woocommerce plugin to do a custom order form. You would just include 5 lines, one for each variation. So you would create a product like “5 Fragrance Combo” and sell it for $12 bucks and then add a gravity form where the client picks the 5 fragrances. It will not relieve inventory of the 5 fragrances though. But you’ll get an order for the pack of 5 with descriptions for the 5 selected.
The easiest thing to do would be just send them back to the same page after add to cart and then they just have to change the fragrance and hit add to cart again and then either have them apply a coupon or use the bulk pricing plugin to calculate the price.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Woocommerce URL problemTopic is resloved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Woocommerce URL problemThanks James! The answer was right there.
FYI for anyone else who finds this post. The query string that appears after the URL is the result of having “GEOLOCATE WITH PAGE CACHING” turned on in settings.
If you turn this off, you’ll get rid of the query string, unless you want geolocation with page caching.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] disable cache for specific pages is not workingDone! Thank you for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] disable cache for specific pages is not workingHey Emre, I tried that, but the problem is I’m not logged in and the wp-login.php gets cached so I can’t login. I tried all the options to prevent the page from getting cached but nothing seems to work. Once I turn it on, I’m locked out of my site. I have to edit the .htaccess file by FTP and delete all the redirects to get back in and deacivate the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] disable cache for specific pages is not workingI’m also having this problem. I’ve the link and tried various ways to prevent caching of the login page…without success.
Once I activate the plugin I can no longer login. I’ve added the login page to the exclude tab both by “contains” and also exact url. Neither helps.
Any suggestions? I love the plugin, it’s the only one that seems to work with woocommerce and WPML multicurrency installed.