Pagan Gwynne
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?Thank you once again.
The couple of days I shut off registrations seems to have done some good too. Haven’t had a splogger since I switched it back on. So as soon as one registers, I’ll add him to the ban hammer and let you know what happens.
Toodles for now ??
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Photo Club WP SitesMingle is another social plugin that work very well with WP and for a simple forum you have Mingle Forum
Event espresso is a plugin that I have found works well, but! the free version is lacking in a few areas, I upgraded to the pr version and it works as well as can be hoped.
Wildcat huh? RA BBS here ?? and yeah hehehe nothing like the old BBS systems ??
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: albumsI used nextgen for a while, but couldn’t get on with it. I have started using WP Photo Album Plus which, I think, presents the galleries and albums in a much simpler more effective and ultimately better looking method than nextgen.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?Hiya Mika,
Ok so does that mean that the above link for ban hammer is updated ? should I try it again ?
For now, I’ve closed registrations while I work on setting up a default blog. My site is for a niche group so I want the default blog to represent (partially anyways) the group interests. But I’m still going to be working on/looking for a way to stop the frewkin sploggers.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?Ok, that was the network activated plugins, now for the site enabled plugins (said I had a ton of ’em hehe) I’m not necessarily married to any of these, and some are active only as long as I’m still working on the site (makes it easier for me) and will be gone once I’m happy with it.
Allow multiple accounts (only available to me ‘superadmin’ + ‘crashtestdummy’ my testing account)
April’s Super Functions Pack
BP Profile as Homepage
BuddyPress Automatic Friends,
BP Friends
Community Blogs
Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress
Custom Shortcode Sidebars
Dynamic Widgets
Erocks Dashboard Lockdown
Limit Blogs per User
Member Access
Multisite Widgets
Network Latest Posts
Special Recent Posts
Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
WP CleanFix
WPMS Sidebar Login Widget again, thanks for your time and effort.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?I tried both, network and site, just to see if there was a difference, same error on both.
Here’s a list of the plugins I currently have network activated, and I keep them all up to date:
Buddypress activity plus,
Buddypress humanity,
Buddypress media component,
Buddypress sitewide featured posts,
Countdown timer,
Easy fancybox,
Ephemeris, (funny, but I could have sworn I dl’d this from the WP plugin directory)
Exclude pages,
Floating admin menu,
TinyMCE advanced,
WP photo album plus, you know of any plugins that will do the same job, but better than the above, please let me know, it’s been sort of hit and miss as far as deciding which plugins to use as I’m often not sure what I’m looking for until I see it.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?Wow, thanks Mika, uploaded the new ban hammer, activated it via network settings, went to the ban hammer options page, added the sploggers e-mail and saved, so far so good.
Then I went to the dashboard for my main site and saw this:
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘banhammer_optionsmenu’ was given in /pathtoroot/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403So I deactivated it, went to my main site -> plugins and activated it there, same result.
The above warning does not appear on the network page, just the dashboard of the main domain.
But, I do have a ton of plugins (some network activated some only on the individual blogs) running across the network and haven’t yet checked to see if there is a conflict, I’m also using Custom Community as my main site theme. If you think it might be a conflict with another plugin let me know and I’ll decavtivate them 1 by 1 to see which.
Thank you very very much for the extremely swift and helpful responses,
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: problem after installing wordpress multisiteAs Mika says, that’s how multisite works.
But for a workaround: Create a page on your main site called technology and then using plugins like: and (good if you only have one subdomain) or (allows you to choose which subdomain you want visible if you have multiple subs)You can place a shortcode on your tech page that only shows posts from your tech site.
It may not be exactly what you want, but it will work.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?Please do, the stop-spammer-registrations-plugin looked pretty good, but it doesn’t work. It redirects everyone. If the IP number isn’t in the whitelist, you get redirected, so it doesn’t work ‘only’ from a blacklist. If your IP isn’t specifically listed in the whitelist, you’re outta luck. How on earth am I to attract new members to my site, if they can’t get to my reg page !!??!!
So….. back to the drawing board and back to fighting with my splogger. Dang, I thought this was over and I could go play with another part of WPMS.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?I tried Ban Hammer, doesn’t work with WPMS ??
I’d forgotten that I’d installed basically because once installed it didn’t look that impressive and I thought I’d deactivated it, but surprise surprise, I login this AM and it’s reporting that it had blocked over 20 spam attacks and upon further review, it has a blacklist section that allows you to block full e-mail addresses ??
I guess I was just too tired (or frustrated) to pay it much attention yesterday. Ooops, hehe my bad. But it does seem to be working, so I’ll leave it alone for now.
Once again thanks for the input. ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How do I block specific e-mail addresses ?Hi Mika thanks for the swift reply ??
If multisite does have that built in I can’t find it.
I’m not worried about comments, the splogger isn’t commenting, just setting up bogus sites.
Thanks for the tip on to be honest thinking it was a WPMS problem I didn’t think to check BP plugins.
I’ll try it sometime today and post the result here.