Forum Replies Created
Oops,it’s [email protected] !
Hum … is it a review?
As you did not test our plugin, I don’t understand the meaning of this comment.
Is it possible to provide a constructive comment (for other users), explaining what this plugin did or did not do, according to your expectations?
Also, if you did not test it, what are you currently rating ?
Sorry for the delay.
It’s possible but you will need to upgrade to PRO ! See here:
Hope this helps
Hi @mcjohnlj ,
We are sorry that despite the time (a year) we spent at making this plugin for the WordPress community, you give us such a so bad review for a … notification (which is not even related to plugin features)..
It’s probably a bug (it should not happen) with your website as it’s set by default to not display anymore. But as you can see, this plugin was released just a few days ago, we still have to fix a few thing. Meaning that we will look at this.
That being said, with all respect, I’m not sure that blackmailing plugin developpers for changes to be made, according to your needs, in exchange of a good review, is a constructive idea for all of us.
According to your profile, you seems to be familiar with this practice regarding other plugins : That’s very unusual.
I don’t think to “review-blackmail” us as some sort of motivation to fix your problems. Simply uninstalling our plugins would have been much easier (if it’s such a frustration).
Meaning that you can leave the review at 1 star for as long as you wish. That’s ok. Other users will understand.
This exchange could have been far more pleasant & constructive for all WP users.
Hi, thank you for contacting our support.
It’s the very first time that we see this kind of issue.
Could you contact us at [email protected] so that we can look at this closely ?
I’ll try to explain.
This bug, which did not require to update our plugin to get fixed, was actually a mistake made by one of our team member when modifying a few settings with Free-mius (monetization platform for Freemium-based WordPress plugins).
Long-story short, some settings (used with our PRO/PAID version) were duplicated and applied mistakingly to FREE version (available here) through opt-in form displayed when installing Bigta plugin.
As soon as we got informed that (via this review) emails were sent while users had opted out, as mentioned above, we fixed it.
According to our logs, this manipulation was made very recently. So while fixing this bug we made sure that all emails were properly deleted (it’s actually automatic).
Unfortunately, considering the urgency of the situation, we did not pay attention to the number of emails harvested during this period. But considering the actual level of active installs (+100), the number fo downloads per day (less than 10, on average), I would say that very few websites were concerned.
Everything is properly working now.
We hope that this explanation provides sufficient information.
Have a great day.
Right ! Sorry for the misundertanding.
About these emails, as mentioned before, it was just a bug … that is now fixed.
But we are glad to see that despite this frustration, our plugin was actually working properly, without causing any issue on your website (which is really our main concern here).
Unfortunately, this little bug, and the reason why we are having this discussion, will probably affect all other WP users, thinking that, based on your review, our plugin is not functional. But that’s probably the price to pay for this.
Thank you anyway for letting us know about all this.
Thank you for this review.
We are sorry that you received an email (or 2) from us after installing our plugin. It must be a glitch… just a simple bug that we will fox ASAP. Anyway, we always offer a way to unsubscribe, meaning that this is nothing else but additional information about our plugins.
About the fact that this plugin “scraped” your site, is it possible to know more about it? It would have been great if we had had the chance to look at this closely in order to find a solution for other Wp users.
One more thing. Despite what you may think, we are not bad people. The reason why we made this plugin is mainly to help people … Nothing else but help.
This plugin is FREE, right ?
Wish you the best with your business.
Thank you for this feedback.
Could you please send us a detail email at [email protected] ?
Please specify which URL are concerned by this issue (with screenshots) … We will try to find a solution to this.
Thank you for contacting our support.
About Short Pixel Image Optimiser plugin, we are not aware of any uncompatibility issue with Bialty plugin.
Did you experience any bug or issue on your side ?
Let us know
Thank you for your patience.
About your issue, we are not able to reproduce it locally … Meaning that for the moment, it’s currently impossible to figure out solution. This issue seems like particular to the theme you’re using (as we never heard of it before).
We will keep this issue on our Todo list if ever we see something similar happening in the future.
Sorry about this
Thank you … Looking at this right now !
Thank you for contacting our support.
About your issue, that’s very unusual. If it works after installation, there is no reason why it should not be working fe days later.
There is maybe a conflict with another plugin … Or, did you install any other plugin meantime ?
Anyway, could you please provide this screenshot ? Also, is it possible to enable Bialty plugin on website so that we can check what’s going on ?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hi @22carol,
Thank you for contacting our support.
About the Post META Box feature available on each page, it’s adding instructions inside your robots.txt file, asking to “Disallow” and “Noindex” a specific page. Once selected (and saved), go check your robots.txt (through Better Robots.txt setting page), it usually appears at the very end of it. This kind of feature is very useful in case of “thank you” pages, calendar pages or any other landing page used for promotion (you don’t want these pages to be visible on SERPS).
About this feature, you have to know that it may takes several days (or even weeks) for search engines and SEO crawlers to “take these instructions into consideration”, especially when these pages were already indexed before. In this case (already indexed), you may keep seeing them for a while on SERPs (if these pages are linked with others, through internal links, it may take even longer).
Please note that Robots.txt and XML sitemaps are 2 very different things and are not related to each other. You can “Disallow” a page in your robots.txt file and, in the same time, have it listed in your XML Sitemap… It does not make “sense” per se but it’s not necessarily a problem. XML sitemaps (compared to HTML sitemaps) are not used by search engines to either crawl or index content on your website. They are mainly used to provide information (thanks to META DATA) about “what is the latest content available on your website” requiring to be crawled in priority by search engines. That’s it !
If you really want to make sure this page gets not indexed by search engines, we would recommend to add a NOindex META on top of it… (which will make it disappear from your sitemaps).
Did you notice that your robots.txt is currently not working on your website? … Make sure to use our multisite feature to create instructions specifically related to your WP directory /researchblog/.
Hope this helps.
PS: if you need more help about this, please contact our support directly.
PS2: About Yoast not being compatible (soon) with non-Gutenberg websites, we have never heard of this but we doubt that it could happen any time soon. Millions of WordPress sites are currently not updated to WP 5.2 (or at leat 5.0) & millions of others are not even using Gutenberg editor (disabled, classic editor, …)…
Loud & clear !