This is a new site download word press 4.4.1 from word press site
After creating database I install word press successfully all works fine and do not update the version.
I installed blackfyre purchased from here. all works fine until I try to install plugins as suggested on the theme after install.
The only plugin that installs is the parallax one no other will install at all for some reason.
After following the instructions that com with the backfyre purchase I get ti where it says to install sample data which installs fine then I get the following message after the install of sample data
Fatal error: Class ‘WPBakeryShortCode’ not found in /home4/sne54965/public_html/ on line 3525
Seems every time I install from scratch I did different problems.
this is the 6th time I have install everything today.
any help would be appreciated as Im sorry I got the theme now