Thank you for the response.
1) a) If I use the option of Retina logo, on my Macbook Pro, all browsers (chrome, safari, firefox) show that logo, not the general logo.
b) Also, it still is too large for mobiles. Is there a recommended logo size for mobiles?
2) I am unable to attach a screenshot. Can you let me know how?
3) My services & about section has perfect font & space on the mobile. But, the features section has a larger font & no space between items (on the mobile). I also want the text in features section text below items to be aligned justified for mobiles (it’s aligned centre for desktops). My site is Site.
4) Thanks for the custom css for the hero small text & the centering of features/services. Can you advise what font size to keep for hero rotating text for iPad so it’s in one line?
5) Is it possible to use rem or something in the font size so it auto adjusts to screen size?
6) In Surface Duo, the services for some reason have the photos left aligned. All other sections are center aligned.
7) In iPad, the gallery shows 4,4,2 photos in each row (I have 10 photos). Is it possible to either have 5 in a row or to have 2 in a row? If that’s not possible, is it possible to have the photos in the last row center aligned?