I just updated…
Well something has changed…. it seems to be duplicating the path This is what it says in the path _ F:\MAMP\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\to_upload\jerry_feb_2018_aee_myanmar\ this is what it is calling for Directory F:\MAMP\htdocs\wordpress\F:\\MAMP\\htdocs\\wordpress\\wp-content\\to_upload\\jerry_feb_2018_aee_myanmar doesn`t exist!
Yes I am using a MAMP install but as you have said before it should run fine. The only big difference I can think of is that I am asking it to ” Keep images in original location. Caution: If you keep images in the original folder and later delete the gallery, the images in that folder might be deleted depending on your settings.”
When I upload one image at a time it works. The problem is I have hundreds of images to upload so I do “Keep Images in original location” so it doesn’t have to move 1gig of photos.
Should I submit this as a bug?