I cannot get EZPZ to work. When I try to do a Manual Backup I get this message
Warning: file_put_contents(/homepages/30/d137977883/htdocs/Southern Breezes Villa/wp-content/plugins/ezpz-one-click-backup/backups/0FQRbfpiAaA9vK8/FILELOCK) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/30/d137977883/htdocs/Southern Breezes Villa/wp-content/plugins/ezpz-one-click-backup/ezpz-ocb-backup.php on line 3
When I select Background Backup I get the message Please wait….a background backup is in progress and after a while the url of the site shows up but when I select Download Backup there are no backups listed.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!