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  • Thread Starter Pamela1991


    I thought alo_em_nonce is constant for a particular installation? Maybe eventualo can shed some light on this?

    Thread Starter Pamela1991


    I’m sorry, you are right. I just now realized my pictures were are owned by root instead of www-data, but when I change the owner to www-data, I can optimize them.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: nothing found

    It is working fine for me. You don’t have a page called ‘el’. Any other page I click on in Greek or English is working just fine.

    Log in to your FTP account and go to /home/username/public_html/wp-content/plugins. Rename the bruteprotect folder to bruteprotect1. Then try logging in. If successful, it may be easiest to simply delete BruteProtect and then re-install it.

    Also, as good security practice, you should omit your username from any errors (as I’ve done above by putting username instead of your actual username).

    Why are you so certain it is down because it has a virus? There can be many other reasons for it being down. Are there any errors or other indications?

    If using Apache, try deleting (after backing it up) .htaccess, and see if it works.

    Thread Starter Pamela1991


    Thanks, that worked!

    I had to first remove the newsletter from the widgets and then used the code below.

    For anyone else that may want to do this, here is the exact code you will need to use (NOTE: You MUST change the 3 values below that I’ve placed between ‘*****’ that are relevant to your own website. You may find these values by viewing the source code of the page):

    <script type="text/javascript">
    				function alo_em_pubblic_form ()
    			var alo_cf_array = new Array();
    			document.alo_easymail_widget_form.submit.disabled = true;
    			document.getElementById('alo_em_widget_loading').style.display = "inline";
    			document.getElementById('alo_easymail_widget_feedback').innerHTML = "";
    			var alo_em_sack = new sack("https://**********/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" );
    			alo_em_sack.execute = 1;
    			alo_em_sack.method = 'POST';
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "action", "alo_em_pubblic_form_check" );
    						alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_opt_name", document.alo_easymail_widget_form.alo_em_opt_name.value );
    						alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_opt_email", document.alo_easymail_widget_form.alo_em_opt_email.value );
    						alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_easymail_txt_generic_error", 'Error during operation.' );
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_error_email_incorrect", "The e-email address is not correct");
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_error_name_empty", "The name field is empty");
    						alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_error_email_added", "Warning: this email address has already been subscribed, but not activated. We are now sending another activation email");
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_error_email_activated", "Warning: this email address has already been subscribed");
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_error_on_sending", "Error during sending: please try again");
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_txt_ok", "Your subscription was successfully activated. You will receive the next newsletter. Thank you.");
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_txt_subscribe", "Subscribe");
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_lang_code", "en");
    			var cbs = document.getElementById('alo_easymail_widget_form').getElementsByTagName('input');
    			var length = cbs.length;
    			var lists = "";
    			for (var i=0; i < length; i++) {
    				if (cbs[i].name == 'alo_em_form_lists' +'[]' && cbs[i].type == 'checkbox') {
    					if ( cbs[i].checked ) lists += cbs[i].value + ",";
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_form_lists", lists );
    			alo_em_sack.setVar( "alo_em_nonce", '*****zp689258w1*****' );
    			//alo_em_sack.onError = function() { alert('Ajax error' )};
    			return true;
    <p>Subscribe to my newsletter below!</p>
    <div id='alo_easymail_page'><div id='alo_em_widget_loading' class='alo_em_widget_loading' style='display:none;'><img src='https://**********/wp-content/plugins/alo-easymail/images/wpspin_light.gif' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle' /> sending...</div>
    <div id='alo_easymail_widget_feedback'></div>
    <form name='alo_easymail_widget_form' id='alo_easymail_widget_form' class='alo_easymail_widget_form alo_easymail_widget_form_public' method='post' action='' onsubmit='alo_em_pubblic_form();return false;'>
    <table class='alo_easymail_form_table'><tbody>
        <td><label for='opt_name'>Name</label></td>    <td><input type='text' name='alo_em_opt_name' value='' id='opt_name' maxlength='50' class='input-text' /></td>
        <td><label for='opt_email'>E-mail</label></td>
        <td><input type='text' name='alo_em_opt_email' value='' id='opt_email' maxlength='50' class='input-text' /></td>
    <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Subscribe' class='input-submit' />

    One more thing… (make sure max_execution_time is high enough)

    The past day or so, I was trying to create a list with ~21,000 recipients. However, it was not working. It was slowing down my entire WordPress site. Then, when I tried disabling Ajax, upon saving the newsletter, I would just get a white screen.

    Finally, I looked at the error log and found the problem–the max execution time: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /../wp-content/plugins/alo-easymail/functions/alo-easymail-recipients.php on line 68" while reading upstream

    I increased my max_execution_time and things are working again like they should.

    Thread Starter Pamela1991



    However, is there a way to manually add the form in JavaScript instead of PHP?

    Thanks again.

    For the meantime, you can export the easymail_subscribers table from the MySQL table and filter the subscribers from your desired lists.

    I’m not 100% sure, but maybe you can check Newsletter -> Settings -> Bounces

    And make sure you’ve updated those settings accordingly.


    Will you please share a sample file (with just a few contacts–3 or so) so we can help you troubleshoot?

    You have to make sure the fields are separated by ;

    Also, you have to make sure you are not including any extra fields.

    For example, a txt/csv file like this should import just fine:

    [email protected];Sergey;en
    [email protected];Bill Gates;it
    [email protected];Mark Zuckerburg
    [email protected]



    I just now was also having the same issue as you. Here’s how I fixed it:

    I added the following code to my theme’s functions.php file:

    function my_easymail_ajaxloop_recipient_limit ( $limit ) {
        return 5000; // set here the number of recipients added per ajax call
    add_filter( 'alo_easymail_ajaxloop_recipient_limit', 'my_easymail_ajaxloop_recipient_limit' );

    All credit for this goes to the helpful theme author.

    I was trying to build a list of ~20,000 subscribers. It was simply taking forever, but with this quick fix, it only takes a moment to create the list of recipients. I can probably even increase it to even more than 5,000 (and probably will in the future), but for the meantime, 5,000 worked just fine for me. Also, I’m not on shared hosting.

    How many subscribers are you trying to add to the list, and what kind of hosting are you on (Shared/VPS/Dedicated)?

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