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  • Hi VaLeNB

    I share your frustrations… I have left a number of posts on the Blog for the Proton Theme, addressed to the author, Jenni R. basically asking her to become interested again in the theme she created and provide a good instruction video as so many people say the same thing ” It’s a great theme but I can’t make it work! “

    The Proton theme is not listed in the WordPress Theme directory. Maybe because there is insufficient support from the author ?

    <quote>hi pancho, if you want to try make it, maybe you must make custome page template

    for example:


    I learned easily enough how to build a clean custom page with a header and footer, but the tricky bit is everything that goes between the two and I’m not good enough writing code to create a whole page with feature boxes, sidebars, widgets etc.

    I’ll keep searching for a solution.

    Sorry for mistyping your name, albatuni.

    Thank you very much alabtuni. The article looks very interesting

    Does anyone know if it is possible to insert an introductory paragraph and then a two or three column portfolio ( ‘boxes’ in normal wordpress terminology) on a single page or does the Proton theme deactivate the normal body text function of a page when it imposes its ‘themed page options’ which are either ‘default’ or ‘portfolio- x columns.

    After so many hours of trying to master the Proton theme, I think it is easier to simply use the classic twenty-twelve theme.

    Has anyone noticed that the “Proton ‘ theme is not actually featured in the WordPress directory, I suspect it is becuase the author has lost interest and doesn’t respond to the growing number of frustrated users who like the theme, but can’t make it work?

    Fixed the height, at last. I think it was when I went into the Editor of wp-admin and edited the style.css from there? Anyway it is done, thanks albatunit.

    hi albatuni

    I’ve downloaded firebug and found line 237, but when I edit it and change height from 100px to 0 px I can see the gap disappears on the page, but when I try to save it the option shows save as ‘style.css’. I click to accept this but then the css reverts to height 100px. ??

    Hi albatuni

    HOME Page
    1. I don’t see line numbers so here’s the section of css where I changed height from 100px to 0 px but it makes no difference to the page? I also tried changing .search.pre_header from 70px to 0 px ( just to see what happens…… nothing happens.

    /* Pre header */
    .pre_header {height:100px;font-size:1.5em;padding:15px 0;line-height:1.6;font-family: ‘AllerLightRegular’, sans-serif;color:#cecece;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000}
    .archive .pre_header, .search .pre_header {height:70px;font-size:2.5em;padding:30px 0;}

    2. I’ll play around with this

    3. On the Proton Demo site I’m sure I have seen different page formats on the same webpage, but there is no instruction from Jenni as to how she did it.

    I’ll leave the product page till the Home page is sorted. Am I doing something wrong with the css code for the pre_header height

    I am so pleased this discussion thread about the Proton Theme has become very active thanks to you albatuni and now MrBillie. I am starting to believe that I shall be able to finally build the kind of business website I need ( not a blog ).

    If I can possibly call on your kindness again, I am providing a link to the site where you can see what I am trying to achieve, but failing.

    The two pages HOME and PRODUCTS are the ones to look at ….


    1) why the big gap from the slider section to the text ?

    2) why the big heading ‘Home? above the ‘post’ and why is date and author shown ? It’s not supposed to be a blog post, just normal text.

    3) I want to include an introduction paragraph 2/3 width text with a Right hand widget column.
    Under the Introduction I want to include 2 or 3 feature boxes. ( see Product page )

    Does this theme offer such an option as it has to be either a portfolio page or default?


    Easyslider (Not part of Proton Theme)

    I much prefer the easy slider section.

    1. why the big gap between the slider section and the features boxes?

    2. This is how I want the home page to look but with the Introduction paragraph described in Home Page above, and RH widget column


    Any advice will be welcome and greatly appreciated

    ps Mr Billie. I like your site.

    starting from your last reply first,Albatuni… the Proton Theme is definitely the one I wish to use. The fonts used are extremely elegant and appropriate to the product range I wish to present…S5 doesn’t match the criteria so well. (Purely a personal opinion, of course)

    It is clear to me that the focus of most wordpress themes is basically a blog whereas I am trying to build a classic business website but with the advantage of CMS to allow quick and easy adaptations of content. For that reason ‘posts’ and ‘newest posts’ and the page structures that imposes confuse my thinking and my objectives.

    I want to create pages which feature products ( usually presented in feature boxes ( but are they ‘posts’ ? not in the blog sense )

    I think you are right. There may be some corruption in the css or codes, as I uploaded the latest version of WP and then had a problem uploading the Proton theme. I tried to upload and then someone on TheIntenseBlog explained I should unzip the file and then upload only

    Maybe with the deleting and reinstalling something got duplicated, erased ??

    I have posted on Jenni R’s blog that she has a potentially award winning theme but so many users are having problems making it work and she is no longer responding to their queries, she shoud consider making a video tutorial. Anyone should consider making a video tutorial for the Proton Theme. That person would become a living legend in WordPressland !!

    Thanks again. I will see if I can demystify my code or maybe delete again and try again? ( I may be gone for quite some time ??

    Hi Albatuni

    Thank you so much for your interest!

    If you go to my Home page of you will see I have another slideshow box (empty) under THE header slideshow and then three ‘posts’ (if that is what they are?) so my questions are..

    For the HOME page of the attached website..

    1/ How to remove the second slideshow box?

    2/ How to add text content ? ( I assumed it is like a normal page, you type text into the text box in PAGE EDIT but it doesn’t show on the page ) ps I am using the Default template for Home Page

    3/ How to not have a big gap between the header slideshow and the content of the page?

    3/ How to have a right hand widget column on Home Page and either one or two columns to show an image, a title of product or service and description ( which can be clicked on to expand on a further full page?

    I think I better stop here, and see how things go. I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness

    Many thanks in anticipation – Pancho

    Dear albatuni
    I am happy that you have mastered the Proton theme. I have checked your website and it looks good.

    I absolutely love the Proton theme but I cannot make it work. If you would be kind enough to look at my attempt you will see what is wrong but I do not know how to fix it.

    So I seem to have got the header ok on the home page, but I then want to have three columns directly under the header but there is a big white gap no three columns.

    `I cannot find any formal instructions on the Proton Theme which is why I suspect it is not supported by WordPress as a featured theme?

    The designer has simply stopped replying to the many questions on her blog.

    I would be most obliged to you if you were to help me through what
    are possibly very simple steps to master this elegant but frustrating theme.

    Thanks in advance _ Pancho

    Hi ToRenHomes
    You have not received a reply in 4 months. I came across your call for help by searching google for “help with the Proton Theme” Like you, I am trying very hard to understand how to configure a Proton theme.

    In the description that accompanies the download, it states that “The theme is very easy to use and modify whether you’re a WordPress professional or just a beginner” (I’m not a beginner but I can’t make sense of it!)

    Here is a request from the theme’s author to asking for her theme to be included in a list of top themes…

    Jenni July 15, 2011 at 11:48

    “Can you include the Proton theme? it’s another free premium WordPress theme which got a lot of great feedback:

    I went to that blog and indeed there are many posts admiring the theme, but many of the posts are from people trying to make the theme work and their posts are unanswered. I have posted a couple of queries which are unanswered by the theme author.

    I do think this is a particularly elegant theme, which is why I am still trying to understand how to use it. At the present rate, I spend an entire day to unravel or ‘discover’ just one single feature, and often that is by accident, as there is no easy to follow instruction how it works.

    A video tutorial would be most welcome, from anyone who has mastered the Proton Theme.

    Also, if anyone has created a Proton Theme based website, it would be great to visit it as I cannot find any supporting info such as the number of downloads, or a showcase of Proton based websites / blogs.

    The Proton is not listed within the WordPress Directory. Why is that? How does a theme get accepted by WordPress?

    I do hope to hear from happy Proton users


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