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  • Plugin Contributor LightPress


    The custom css from way above for the nav arrows is no longer active on your site. I can see the original rules for styles still applying. Not sure what happened – maybe this got removed when removing other CSS above. But you just need to double check that these rules exist and are being applied:

    #prevArrow.fixed {
        left: 3%;
    #nextArrow.fixed {
        right: 3%;
    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by LightPress.
    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Hi @emiliano76!

    Sounds like you want to exclude our js/css from WP Rockets ‘Load JavaScript Deferred’.

    First question: is there a specific reason you’re wanting to exclude? I assume something isn’t working right when WP Rocket is optimizing our files. If so, it would be good to know what the issue is.

    In any case, although I haven’t used WP Rocket in a while, looks like exclusions are handled like this:

    Based on that, I think you could use the following in that field:

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Well, it’s good that we have a clearer sense where the issue lies. On the other hand, that’s a very routine WordPress function, so us using it should not be causing issues with another plugin. But that gives me a direction to look for why a conflict might be happening. I will try to dig into that by early next week.

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Hi – thanks for the additional detail. Given what you mentioned about inline CSS above, one thing I’d be interested to try (if you are comfortable making changes to PHP files), is to have you comment out one new line of code in our plugin that adds some inline css.

    If you go to wp-content/plugins/wp-jquery-lightbox/wp-jquery-lightbox.php, and then go to line 166, you’ll see a line that has

    wp_add_inline_style( 'jqlb-overrides', $custom_css );

    That was added recently, since 1.5. I’d be curious if you comment that line out, does the issue go away (note though that commenting this out could affect how some lightbox options/styles are applied). This is something I’d try as a quick check if I had access to your site.

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Great. Thanks for the extra testing. I’ll try to play around with our plugin, Autoptimize, and some third party plugins to see if I can duplicate.

    In the meantime, yes, you might play around with the options there, or try to exclude lightbox css specifically from the CSS optimizations to see if you can find a quicker fix.

    Plugin Contributor LightPress



    Unfortunately, this sounds like it could be complicated to troubleshoot and/or resolve. I will say, the changes to our plugin for 1.5 were quite minor, and very unlikely to introduce conflicts. We basically added some options to adjust a few elements of the lightbox.

    As a troubleshooting step, can you try going to Autoptimize’s settings page, unchecking the box to ‘Optimize JavaScript Code’, then check and see if you still have the issue?

    If so, try doing the same for CSS code.

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Hi! In the latest release, I added an option to the options page called “Use alt tag for title if it exists”. If you enable this, I think it will address your concerns. Feel free to give it a test and let me know. Thanks!

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Hi! Glad you saw the updates. And yes, the latest release included:

    • Hide navigation for single images
    • Fix pinch zoom with new nav style. You are correct that that the way pinch zoom works, the zooming happens within the frame. Changing that raises some complexities, ie zooming would probably push the nav arrows out of the frame and make navigation harder. If we get enough feedback, we can look at changing that. But my guess is that the moment we do, we’d then get a bunch of secondary questions/requests about changing that behavior too.
    • I looked at adding and option to disable the lightbox on mobile. There are some complex issues there. First, many user have galleries that still show smaller thumbnails in rows even on mobile. Second, we adjust image markup to allow the lightbox to work *on the server side* before we know the size of the screen a visitor is using. That’s very hard to resolve – ie, would require a complete rebuild of the entire plugin logic. We could still adjust the behavior of the ligthbox somehow on the frontend, but I haven’t found a way that’s likely to work seamlessly for all users in a diversity of cases. I’ll keep at it though, as the point you’re raising makes sense.
    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    By the way, if you’re happy with the plugin and/or support, one small thing you can do is leave a 5 start review for the plugin. ??

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Oh, I think there’s a tiny bit of margin still, so you probably need to keep this too:

    @media?screen and (max-width: 800px) {
      #prevArrow.fixed {
        margin-left: 0;
      #nextArrow.fixed {
        margin-right: 0;
    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Out of all the CSS above, the only ones you’d need to keep are these:

    prevArrow.fixed {
      left: 3% !important;
    nextArrow.fixed {
      right: 3% !important;

    Remember, if you do remember some of the other CSS, you may still need to go to the options page and update the options. You can now set the border size there, and hide the image info bar at the bottom, for example.

    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    Hi @raoulunger

    1. PINCH. Can you confirm if you are using the new style nav arrows? You can check the options page and look for “New nav arrow style (recommended)” I just introduced those last week, and I think I may have done so in way where they interfere with pan zoom.

    2. MOBILE. Seems reasonable and not too difficult to introduce an option to disable the lightbox below a certain screen size. I’ll look at that later this week.

    3. SINGLE IMAGE. Yes, this is a good point. Again, I’ll add that to my list for hopefully the next release.


    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    I pushed the change to remove dash icons and use svgs for the new nav arrows. Feel free to update and take a look.

    For CSS/JS… I don’t think I provide any JS. A lot of the CSS I provided earlier in this thread, you no longer need. I *think* the only CSS you should need now is for (a) removing the loading spinner and (b) moving the nav arrows further from the edge on desktop if you still want/need that (I did update the plugin to move them a bit further from the edge on desktop, but not as far as you wanted).

    Note the plugin now has css that forces the nav arrows back to the edges on mobile, so you shouldn’t need css for that.

    Most other aspects of the appearance you can customize with the options page now. I also updated the plugins.

    I’d probably remove any css to start, try adjusting the options to get what you need, and only add css you need beyond that.



    Confirmed these issues are present.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by LightPress.
    Plugin Contributor LightPress


    “fix the dashicon.css slowing down in google speed insight”

    I worked on a fix/change for this on Friday. I do not want to change how dashicons are loaded, as those are a core WP library. It’s not good for third party plugins to mess with how core scripts are loaded – risks creating conflicts.

    So I’m changing the new navigation arrows to not use dashicons at all. Was a bit more involved than I though, but should be ready for release today or tomorrow.

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