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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Other Answer LabelHi josete,
Yop Team means to change it to your poll.
Edit your poll and in section “Answers”, lower right, you will find a button labeled “Answers Advanced Options”.
Click on it and it will reveal to you more options underneath.
One of them is “Other Answer Label”. There you could change it to what you want to display in the front of your site.I hope this will solve your problem and save your time. ??
Kind regards
PanosForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagsHi Yop Team,
I don’t know if you had the time to visit my test site.
All these days from my last reply I checked all my plugins one by one, in case one of them affects the content of the page in question ( as you told me ) but I found nothing about it.
Then I checked the poll template that I was using and I found out that if I change the code:
<li class="yop-poll-li-answer-%POLL-ID%"> %POLL-ANSWER-CHECK-INPUT% %POLL-ANSWER-LABEL% <span class="yop-poll-results-text-%POLL-ID%">%POLL-ANSWER-RESULT-LABEL%</span> %POLL-ANSWER-RESULT-BAR% </li>
<li class="yop-poll-li-answer-%POLL-ID%"> %POLL-ANSWER-CHECK-INPUT% %POLL-ANSWER-LABEL% <span class="yop-poll-results-text-%POLL-ID%">%POLL-ANSWER-RESULT-LABEL%</span> %POLL-ANSWER-RESULT-BAR% </li>
then everything is being displayed ok. (that means everything in one line)
Thank you very much for your wonderful plugin.
Best regards
Panos* I hope you do take into consideration to give us the choice, in a future release of your plugin, to limit the total “Other” answers a poll can accept.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagsHi Yop Team,
Email has been sent directly from wordpress installation when I added the new user.
If you have any problem please let me know.
Thank you very much.
Best regards
PanosForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagsHi YOP Team,
Thank you very much for your time that you spend on all us to help us to solve our problems.
The result remains the same. I did what you suggested but the behavior is the same.
It is very weird because somehow the code has a break line after the input radio button which is vanished when we click on vote button or on view results link and the ajax code is being executed.
The same happens not only in page code but in post code as well. If I put the shortcode inside a post like I did in the following the behavior is the same. You will find the poll at the end of the post.
Please, if you have time and will of course, tell me if you want to send you by email, login credentials to this test site of mine to have a look on your own. Your knowledge and experience is much more than mine and I think that you will understand more easily what is the culprit of such a behavior. At least I hope so.
Best regards
PanosForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagsHi YOP Team,
Thank you very much for your support.
1. I had to change also the occurrences in the file inc/widget.php
2. This will be great.
Best wishes
PanosForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagsHi YOP Team,
in case somehow you missed my post I bring it up again.
if you have the time please take a look.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes
PanosHi Lester Chan,
First I want to thank you for all the plugins of yours that you have made which all of them help us to realize our webdesign dreams and much more for the support that you provide us to solve our problems at the expense of your free time.
I had checked already polldaddy and the free version has many restrictions such as no CSS editing and no custom url. Apart from that the results of a poll are stored on the servers of polldaddy and a major drawback that is valid for all editions of it, free or paid is that it has no multilanguage capability. thank you very much for your time and your suggestion. If you have read my link in my previous post you will have already found out that your poll plugin works like a charm apart from the “Other Answer” feature and it has multilanguage capability. I think I have to live with that.
Best regards
PanosHi Lester Chan,
is it possible to add such a functionality to your plugin through a donation and if yes how much should this have to be?
Please check my other post at the address below. regards
PanosForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagsHi YOP Team,
It took me more than I was expecting, mostly because I had to do some other things simultaneously, but I managed to find out what I had to change, so as if someone uses the QTranslate plugin and not WPML for translation, then he/she will be able to insert The qtranslate quicktags (eg. [:en]english text[:de]Deutsch text ).
You said that you do not use __(), but you use it for all your text messages. The problem for me was that I had to use different language text, not for the messages themselves, but for the input texts that you have in backend options of the plugin.
You can see my txt file
for the changes that I made to the code and if you want you can integrate them to your code, because it does not alter the behavior of your plugin, (at least I think so), but it gives someone the opportunity to use the quicktags of the so popular QTranslate wordpress plugin.Now I have to say that I faced a few problems running your plugin in my
localhost server, so I decided to setup a partial duplicate of my site online, so as to find out if these problems keep on bothering me. Some of them were gone but a few still bother me.You can visit this test site of mine that I have set up with real content and if you think that you must have login credentials to find out more for helping me to solve the problems that I face, please tell me where to send you this info.
The address of the test site is
If you omit the word testred you will visit the actual site.In the test site you will see that I have set up both your plugin and the WP-Polls plugin. If you play a little with the WP-Polls plugin you will find out that its behavior according to the chosen language that is being displayed, is correct to all the actions that you decide to follow using it. (for example voting, seeing the results and return
back to vote again). With your plugin I couldn’t manage to achieve
such behavior.For simple polls WP-Polls plugin fits my needs, but I would like
to have polls that voters should put their answers as well and here comes your plugin which is the right and only I think solution for such a behavior.So my problems are, trying to list them starting with the most important:
1st. If I push the vote button or click on the view results link the
ajax script does not recognize the language of the site. It uses always the default english language. In WP-Polls plugin I solved it by
adding ?lang=’.qtrans_getLanguage() to the end of admin-ajax.php,
so as I had admin-ajax.php?lang=’.qtrans_getLanguage() and with
this I managed to pass the correct language to the ajax script.
In file yop_poll_model.php there are three occurrences of the word
admin=ajap.php which I converted them to
admin-ajax.php?lang=’.qtrans_getLanguage() but I couldn’t get
the result that I wanted to.2nd. I would like to have other answer as well, but to have the
opportunity to limit this to a number that I would decide, for example to 50. I do not want to have more than the number that I choose to have, because let’s say that 1000 voters want to have their opinion, you can easily imagine what would happen to the design of the site, not to mention if your plugin has the ability to manage such a large number of other answers.and 3rd. The plugin looks nice in sidebar but in archives page does not look the same till the time that you push the button Vote or you click the link View results, then everything become ok.
Thank you very much for your time that you spent on all us to help us to find solutions to our problems.
Best wishes
PanosForum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] Yop-polls and qtranslate quicktagslink to image
Hi Richard,
Your plugin works with qTranslate because I put into the field Link Text the qTranslate QuickTags e.g. [:en]English[:de]Deutsch and depending on which language version is current it is displayed the correct text.
The problem was when I inserted in the Link URL eg. [:en][:de] nothing is saved or stored in this field.
You must have a piece of code somewhere in your plugin that makes some kind of check of what is inside this field or maybe compare it with a valid link address of the site and if it does not fit, it does not accept the input value.
Nevertheless, if someone has the same problem using qTranslate, below you can find out how I managed to overcome it.
Inside the folder wp-content/plugins/cookie-law-info/php there is a file which is called shortcodes.php
Inside that file you will find, down in the end of it, two lines of code which are:
// If is action not URL then don’t use URL!
$url = ( $settings[‘button_x_action’] == “CONSTANT_OPEN_URL” ) ? $settings[‘button_x_url’] : “#”;After these lines I inserted the lines below:
if (function_exists(‘qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode’)) {
$lang = qtrans_getLanguage();
if ( $lang==’en’ ) {$url =””;}
if ( $lang==’de’ ) {$url =””;}} else {
}You can change the en and de with the languages that you have. And of course each url with the according url that you have. You can add more languages if you want.
This method is hardcoded but at least helped me to use two different language versions of the Cookie Info that I wanted to display.
Thank you very much Richard for your plugin which is very simple and responsive too.
Just for checking, if you want, visit my site which is still under construction and see on your own that your plugin works multi-lingual.
www dot redheadillusion dot com / redheadThank you very much for your answer.
I hope you will find the time, soon as you said, for these
implementations and if you think of some more,
they will be welcome too.Not so many work with multilanguage sites, but if they are,
your plugin seems to be the only one that behaves as it should,
if they really want to list popular posts by views.