Stav Pan Geffen
Forum Replies Created
Yea, i posted that comment back when the new NextGen was a bundle of bugs. Don’t really know how it is right now.
What do you mean by firing off at the same time?
You get both the lightbox AND the photoswipe layout?That’s odd.. do you by any chance have your photoswipe configuration set to debug mode?
Edit – That was totally wrong, NextGEN let’s you edit the class but it works with ‘ngg-fancybox’.
So what I did to fix this was to switch:
And then, since for some reason photoswipe doesn’t SAVE the “disable fancybox” checkbox option. I switched:
if (1 == $options['fancybox']) { wp_enqueue_script('ngg-photoswipe-disable-fancybox.js', plugins_url('photoswipe-for-nextgen-gallery/js/ngg-photoswipe-disable-fancybox.js', dirname(__FILE__)),array( 'jquery' )); }
With (without the if statement):
wp_enqueue_script('ngg-photoswipe-disable-fancybox.js', plugins_url('photoswipe-for-nextgen-gallery/js/ngg-photoswipe-disable-fancybox.js', dirname(__FILE__)),array( 'jquery' ));
Also – photoswipe looks for a tags with class “fancybox” to remove the fancybox functionality for photoswipe-enabled pages:
In NextGen ‘other’ settings, ‘lightbox effects’ tab, there’s an option for customizing the a tag classes, the default I found was ‘ngg-fancybox’, so if you remove ‘ngg-‘ from there it should work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Full Screen (Page) Background Image Slideshow] Images won't centralizeUpdate: this ONLY happens when logged in (phew..)
Only when logged in, the console throws the following:
Invalid CSS media query: (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio:5/4) admin-bar.min.css:1
Consider using ‘dppx’ units instead of ‘dpi’, as in CSS ‘dpi’ means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual ‘dpi’ of a screen. In media query expression: print, not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi) (index):25
Invalid CSS property value: text-middle
ahem.. looks like admin-bar messes it up.. IDK
For me, this issue is resolved, since THIS client is not going to even bother trying to log in, still though – it is a problem.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CSS & JavaScript Toolbox] Bug with v. 6.0.15?Yes, this is true
This issue appears on a woocommerce theme with about 300 products and around 3000 post variations..
I get admin.php?page=cjttoolbox with over 4MB of source code, ace.js is around 300KB, the rest is fine.. 40KB and lessThank you for tracking this
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CSS & JavaScript Toolbox] Bug with v. 6.0.15?Same over here, updated CJT -> CJT doesn’t show up anymore, though all previous scripts built with CJT still work on the front-end, but there’s no way to edit or add others.
Console says:
jQuery(function () { jQuery("#aiowtabs").tabs(); --Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'tabs'-- });
DOM seems to have all the info, but it doesn’t show..
Digged around the DOM so more and found out that lots of the div are either display:none or visibility:hidden
One more thing I noticed is that ‘#cjtoolbox-admin div.postbox’ selector is missing on a semicolon, might be important.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Get product price in custom loopWas customizing woocommerce search results to display price as well, I have a very basic understanding of PHP so I mostly improvise and google around for answers.
Found this thread to be very useful, got me started, though I was looking for a way to display prices even if the product has variations
Found this on woocommerce-template.php
<?php woocommerce_get_template( 'loop/price.php' ); ?>
Added it to the search result template and that’s it, works like a charm.
I have this issue as well
On post / page edit, clicking the NextGen button in the visual editor, choosing a gallery, choosing ‘image list’ – getting a slideshow.
fahnoes fix doesn’t work for me.
I don’t know about prevention, but whenever it happends i go to better wp security mysql tables and erase those instances with the rellevant ip, than i get a brake from this bug. For a while..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CSS & JavaScript Toolbox] hebrew supportExcellent!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] javascript error when the plugin is activatedI came across that msie error with another lightbox plugin i used- it has something to do with a deprecated method jquery.browser method.
They’re dropping support of old ie versions, so old method will become unknown to browsers with the latest jquery.
Thanks, that is great news!
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This issue wouldn’t be so important if jetpacks comments weren’t comming from an iFrame.
It looks just fine with these adjustments:
#respond .comment-form-avatar {float:right;margin-left:10px;}
.comment-form-padder {text-align: right;}
#respond #comment-form-identity #comment-form-nascar p {float:right;padding: 7px 12px 0 0px;}
#respond #comment-form-identity #comment-form-nascar ul {float:left;}
#respond #comment-form-subscribe {float:right;}
#respond .form-submit {float:left;}
#respond .comment-form-fields label {text-align:right}
#respond.js .comment-form-fields label {right: 8px;}
#respond.js .comment-form-fields label span.nopublish {right: 35px;}– The link on the tiny icon for WordPress should go to:
– And the little black pop-up that comes up upon mouseover the login-/w icons, that should also be translated and since the icons go float:left, it should upon to the right of the icons.Thanks a lot.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Cakifo] Translating commenting notifications settingsOh, it’s a subscription plugin, not the comments thing, sorry about that. Thanks a lot