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  • Paolo


    I sent Rizwan an e-mail and he replied. I’m re-posting for anyone else who is having similiar issues:


    to the reason you’re having this problem is because revision 125 of K2 isn’t all that compatible with wp2.0.1. You should upgrade to the latest version, since after revisions 157, the k2 themes were made specifically with wp2.0 and greater in mind. To fix the problem and keep the current theme, you need to go into the main K2 folder and edit a file called theloop.php. On line 75 and on line 108, you’ll see the function which is calling for the user level count and so forth. Just edit those two lines out, and you’ll see the change.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

    Also, it should be mentioned that if you’re upgrading to WordPress 2.02 and the latest K2 make sure you delete the k2options.php file. [Source info]



    OK, I have run into this issue as well. I installed WP 2.01 and all went well, until that is I upgraded K2 to Beta Two r167. Now perhaps this is an issue to be brought up on the k2 forums but at the very least could you explain how you resolved your issues? Especially, seeing as you’re running both the latest version of WP and k2 successfully.

    Could you elaborate on what you actually did to fix it?

    I’m tempted to do the same as you, gmosesx. But unfortunately, now comments ARE being stuck in the comment moderation queue and I have to aprove them. And AGAIN, I haven’t checked off that feature. It shouldn’t be happening.

    For the record, I’m running WP 1.2.1. I’m tempted to upgrade to 1.2.2 but with another release around the corner, I’m not sure how worth it that would be or if there would be any change to my problem.

    I am having the same issue. I also found a blank space in the keyword area, yet having deleted it caused no visible effect. I’m still getting tons of notifications.

    The irony is, that as of yesterday I’ve implemented a new plug-in that stops comment spam completely. It requires users to match icons before submitting a comment. While no spam gets through, I’m still being notified. Furthermore, nothing ever ends up in the queue because nothing gets past the spam block. [sigh]

    The bottom line is, I just want that when I leave the box for notifications unchecked that I don’t get notifications. Essentially, I’ve stopped spammers but I’m being spammed by my own blog. Ugh!

    Thanks very much for the tip!

    This was very handy. Thank you.
    To be clear for any newbs, like me, you make this change in your index.php and replace it with your old get_links data.
    For me, it was around 188 but I’ve changed my index.php considerably so it this is a rough indication.
    Good luck to the rest of you!

    I’ll be looking into WPBlacklist as I used it with much success when using MovableType but I was hit for the first time today with the “poker” spam and managed to net all of it by having any comment with more than 2 links sent to Moderation.
    It’s a bit annoying to have to manually delete things beneath my contempt but it works.

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