When you add some HTML code in “custom home text” form, you can see in the first breadcrumb element (pointing mouse over first element, like “Home”) the HTML code inside the “title” attribute of tag.
I resolve this by editing breadcrumb-hook.php file in
and adding this code to clean the HTML code that appear in “title” tag attribute
$title_original = !empty($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : '';
$title = apply_filters('breadcrumb_link_text', $title_original);
// If "custom home text" contains HTML code
if($title_original != strip_tags($title_original)) {
// Clean HTML code and view only text
$title_original= strip_tags($title_original);
So, for example, if you insert <i class="fa-solid fa-house"></i> Home
into “custom home text” form, you will see in first element of breadcrumb (pointing mouse over) only “Home” text.