In the Cart page, you usually get the VALUE of the Select options: if you would prefere to get the LABEL, you can apply this little modification to the file \wp-content\plugins\wc-fields-factory\includes\wcff-cart-data.php
Substitute around line 259 with this if:
/* To visualize the Label instead of the Value for the Select options */
if (isset($_field[“choices”])) {
$this->wccpf_items[] = array(“name” => $cif_data[“field_key”], “value” => find_label($cif_data[“field_val”], $_field[“choices”]));
} else {
$this->wccpf_items[] = array(“name” => $cif_data[“field_key”], “value” => $cif_data[“field_val”]);
Add this little function at the end of the file:
function find_label($_val, $_choices) {
$_choi = explode(“;”,$_choices);
foreach ($_choi as $_couple) {
$_temp = explode(“|”,$_couple);
if ( $_temp[0] == $_val ) {
return $_temp[1];
return $_val;