Forum Replies Created
Reply to myself! I have just upgraded from Soliloquy Lite to the PRO (Personal) version and found that there is a solution to the problem I described.
In the slider settings, Misc tab, it’s possible to change manually the Slider Slug after cloning/copying an instance. It’s a pity however that this change is not automatic and not available to the Lite version.Just to confirm that Tim’s answer is the way to go. Put that CSS rule in your wp site’s theme CSS file.
Gallery Version 1.2.80
WP 4.4
local installation; mysql db; php version 5.6.8; windows 10Same problem as reported by OP, same error in the php error log.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LightPress Lightbox] Front End strings not translated into French?Solved my problem with following workaround (works for bilingual WP site, but can be adapted to multi-lang sites easily).
In file jquery.lightbox.js right at the beginning, change
to(function($){ lang = document.documentElement.lang;
Further down, change
function initialize() { $(window).bind('orientationchange', resizeListener); $(window).bind('resize', resizeListener); $('#overlay').remove(); $('#lightbox').remove(); opts.inprogress = false; = -1; var txt = opts.strings;
function initialize() { $(window).bind('orientationchange', resizeListener); $(window).bind('resize', resizeListener); $('#overlay').remove(); $('#lightbox').remove(); opts.inprogress = false; = -1; var txt = opts.strings; if (lang == 'fr-FR') { txt.closeTitle = 'Fermer'; txt.prevLinkTitle = 'Précédent'; txt.nextLinkTitle = 'Suivant'; }
Further down, change
function updateDetails(){ //update caption, title and control, and makes them invisible while we animate into position. var images = opts.imageArray; var txt = opts.strings; }
function updateDetails(){ //update caption, title and control, and makes them invisible while we animate into position. var images = opts.imageArray; var txt = opts.strings; if (lang == 'fr-FR') { txt.of = ' sur '; = ' | Diaporama :: Marche |'; txt.pause = ' | Diaporama :: Pause |'; = " Télécharger l'image "; }
Works fine, thanks Matt!
Hope this fix (or a similar one) will be introduced in the plugin by the author in a new version any time soon.Please add pagination.
Hi David,
That fixed it! Many thanks for the prompt reply, the detailed instructions, the fix… and for being such a helpful guy.
Have a nice day,
JosephForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapsing Categories] Deprecated NoticesOne more deprecated notice.
PHP Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in MYSITE\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3619
Easy fix: in \wp-content\plugins\collapsing-categories\collapscatwidget.php replace:
$this->WP_Widget('collapscat', 'Collapsing Categories', $widget_ops,$control_ops);
parent::__construct('collapscat', 'Collapsing Categories', $widget_ops);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapsing Categories] Deprecated NoticesMore ERROR notices.
Using PHP Version 5.6.8; WP 4.4; Collapsing Categories Version 2.0.7.Non-static method collapsCat::set_styles() should not be called statically in MYSITE\wp-content\plugins\collapsing-categories\collapscat.php on line 89
PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method collapsCat::phpArrayToJS() should not be called statically in MYSITE\wp-content\plugins\collapsing-categories\collapscat.php on line 145
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: includes in MYSITE\wp-content\plugins\collapsing-categories\collapscatlist.php on line 45
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Not working after update to 2.20As per the MLA documentation :
“To add the Debug tab to your Settings/Media Library Assistant submenu you must add an entry to your wp-config.php file:
define( ‘MLA_DEBUG_LEVEL’, 1 );
Once that line is added to the wp-config.php file the “Debug” tab will appear at the right of the tab list in the Settings/Media Library Assistant submenu.”Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Adding hierarchical categories breadcrumb trail for pagesThanks for your reply, John. I expect you are right and creating a custom post type would be the best way to go. However, for my immediate needs the hack I am using in conjunction with the the Post Tags and Categories for Pages plugin does work fine.
As for the hack you did, I’m a little surprised that it is working since when a post is of the page type, it should not be calling bcn_breadcrumb_trail::post_hierarchy() since it will directly call bcn_breadcrumb_trail::post_parents().
Well, all I can say is that it does work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Lightbox] Please make SLB work with PolylangDone
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] How to fill in Caption Field on import?It’s me again, David. I had not carefully read the example you gave to Pablo. I got it to work now. Sorry!
Thanks for a great plugin!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] How to fill in Caption Field on import?Hi David,
I’m interested in exactly the same feature asked by pablo in his original post. How can I automatically fill the Caption field of my media items with the file name upon upload/Add new?
The MLA settings tabs are so complicated that I would be very grateful if you would give here a step-by-step description of the procedure to achieve this result.
Thanks in advance!Hi again,
Just found out that the missing MCM categories problem actually happens to all cases of using calls to in scripts.
When you click Add Media when editing a Post or a Page, the modal window that is displayed includes a left frame and a right (main) frame. With MCM plugin enabled, that main frame displays the MCM categories.
But in all other places in WP where you want to insert a media (usually an image), only that main frame is displayed, and the MCM categories are not displayed in it. For instance, when inserting a background image when customizing a theme, etc.
That is a real problem for me, as the main use I have for MCM is not for inserting images in my Posts or Pages but in other places where is called.