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  • The dot or missing dot is not the issue. It will usually show up both ways, but your backend cookies for both wordpress and bbpress will be with the dot. Ok, just want to go over some other things that wasn’t mentioned. You enabled XML-RPC in WordPress and BBpress; you set up your roles in bbpress; and you’ve setup the keymaster; and the wordpress integration settings in bbpress?

    I meant to say clear you cache, but I think you knew what I meant. Hmmm, that is just strange, I need to check on something.

    And you have your WordPress keys in your bb-config.php file as well? The other thing to do is clear your cookies, restart your browser, and try again. BTW…never post your wordpress or bbpress keys; that is a security risk to you.

    Once your restart, then check your Safari cookies again and see if your domain is coming up with the “.” or not. If it is not, then change your cookiedomain to “” or try “”.

    Did you add this at the end of your bbpress config file?
    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    Also, at the top of that same file it is better to put this

    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) & !defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' )) {
        define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false );
        //  You will need to get the ABSOLUTE path to this file |
        //                                                     \|/
        require_once( '/home/52704/domains/' );
        header( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" );
        header( "Status: 200 All rosy" );

    Instead of this


    I have issues logging into bbpress and then having it carry over to wordpress. But as long as a user can log into wordpress and then carry over to bbpress, then that is ok for me. With deep integration, one can use replace bbpress login form with wordpress login form.

    Lastly, you need to place your bbpress keys from your bb-config.php file into your wp-config.php file.

    Someone at the BBpress forums wrote a tutorial about this a while ago. Not sure who and not sure if it can still be found. I have been using it for all my installations, and have had perfect integration as well as having the admin user from WordPress be the Keymaster upon install and deep integration. Actually, I found that post that used to be a stickie. This code might not be needed with the stable release of 1.0, but I still use it just in case.

    Documentations are not usually concise and some of the code I use is for backwards compatibility.

    Do you have something like this in your wp-config.php file?

    $wp->cookiedomain = '';
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    $wp->cookiepath = '/';
    $wp->sitecookiepath = '/';
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/' );
    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/');

    And this in your bb-config.php file?

    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
    $bb->user_bbdb_name = 'word_database';
    $bb->user_bbdb_user = 'word_user';
    $bb->user_bbdb_password = 'xxxxxxxx';
    $bb->user_bbdb_host = 'localhost';
    $bb->custom_user_table = 'wp_users';
    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = 'wp_usermeta';
    $bb->authcookie = 'wordpress_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
    $bb->cookiedomain = '';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/';

    As well as this at the end of your bb-config.php file?
    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    Sorry, is it a linux server or windows server?

    Not sure but are you using Apache or IIS?

    I am using it with 2.8.2 without any issues.

    Maybe it would be more helpful if you give an explanation of why you believe it is rubbish. Maybe we can help you troubleshoot your issues with the plugin.

    This plugin only generates invitation codes. It is not an invitation system that you email invitations to friends, etc. Once you generate a code, you will need to send an email to whomever you like, include the invitation code, and the user will need to use the invitation code in order to register. If you are looking for something that sends an email invitation, then you need a plugin similar to this one.

    Make sure that there are not blank lines at the end of those files. It there are, delete the blank lines.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP back up plugins

    For 2.6.3 you would use the 2.3.1 version of WP-DBManager. When you decide to upgrade WordPress, disable the plugin, upgrade WordPress, upgrade the plugin, and then reactivate it.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP back up plugins

    That plugin was going to be my next suggestion. It’s the one I use the most.

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