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  • Thread Starter partyamigo


    @dnesscarkey sorry did read your reply just now, was off for some days. Did you get any responce from there allready?

    Thread Starter partyamigo


    @dnesscarkey sure thanks for checking

    Thread Starter partyamigo


    Thanks, what me just wonders, i have 2 sites that mostly use the same plugins, theme and page builder. One shows me on all pages in backend like 20-23 mb there. The other only 2-3 mb even on a page that loads like ages to load all the photogallerys in a tree from database. So just to understand correctly: what it shows in Objekt-Cache in Backend WP Toolbar as Memory is always only from that one page? And not how much of the page is in redis cache in total? Sorry for the maybe dumb questions but i think its a little confusing, or only me. So when i click on clear cache, its normal that it does not clear the cache to zero and fills it one after another again, as it only shows from this single side load in backend.

    Thread Starter partyamigo


    Status: Verbunden
    Client: PhpRedis (v6.0.1)
    Drop-in: Valid
    Disabled: No
    Ping: 1
    Errors: []
    PhpRedis: 6.0.1
    Relay: Not loaded
    Predis: 2.1.2
    Credis: Not loaded
    PHP Version: 8.2.11
    Plugin Version: 2.4.4
    Redis Version: 5.0.7
    Multisite: No
    Metrics: Enabled
    Metrics recorded: 322
    Filesystem: Working
    Global Prefix: "c2h17KNErD_"
    Blog Prefix: "c2h17KNErD_"
    WP_REDIS_PREFIX: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    WP_REDIS_PLUGIN_PATH: "/var/www/vhosts/"
    WP_REDIS_PASSWORD: ????????
    Global Groups: [
    Ignored Groups: [
    Unflushable Groups: []
    Groups Types: {
    "blog-details": "global",
    "blog-id-cache": "global",
    "blog-lookup": "global",
    "global-posts": "global",
    "networks": "global",
    "rss": "global",
    "sites": "global",
    "site-details": "global",
    "site-lookup": "global",
    "site-options": "global",
    "site-transient": "global",
    "users": "global",
    "useremail": "global",
    "userlogins": "global",
    "usermeta": "global",
    "user_meta": "global",
    "userslugs": "global",
    "redis-cache": "global",
    "counts": "ignored",
    "plugins": "ignored",
    "themes": "ignored",
    "blog_meta": "global",
    "network-queries": "global",
    "site-queries": "global",
    "user-queries": "global",
    "theme_json": "ignored",
    "code_snippets": "global"
    Drop-ins: [
    "advanced-cache.php v by ",
    "maintenance.php v by ",
    "Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.4.4 by Till Krüss"
    Diagnose in die Zwischenablage kopieren
    Thread Starter partyamigo


    Thanks, i doublechecked that, and i set the password but somehow config did not save my editing of wp cofig where i wrote prefix and database. this is now fixed. Will see if anything is changing. One more question, when i click on Clean Cache in wp admin bar, should that what is 21 MB now, not go to zero? or do i understand that wrong? Value does not change when pressing clear cache. I have there Clean Cache (in german) and Settings and 97,6% 8657/217 21 MB now – if i click clean cache it shows cleaned, but its standig the same 21 MB there. Using php 8.2 if that is interesting

    Thread Starter partyamigo


    Thanks alot, i will check that, as both domains should use the same Redis Config i was just wondering, if i have maybe to set something else in per domain setting. As one always shows so much ram used and the other so less. Thanks for clarification.



    I would like to get this to work with Borlabs too. As i user other things with it and most visitors allow all content, i would prefer it befor another extra opt in.. Do you have any idea what javascript to add? i bought another plugin for Facebook and the dev send me a little javascript, integratet that in borlabs java after allow and it works perfect.

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