Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: pb-embedFlash] Disable mouse click to close the lightbox…/plugins/pb-embedflash/js/flashbox.js
line 26: delete “= this.overlay.onclick “This must be done on each plugin update if you overwrite the file.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: pb-embedFlash] IE7 Popup is not workingAs of it works on my site ( -> Sidebar -> StarCraft II Trailer) on my IE7-Browser, I cannot give support without further information…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: 404 error with pb-embedflashEither the siteurl option is set to a wrong value or htaccess is disturbing. From this point, I cannot do anything to find the error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: pb-embedFlash] Slimbox doesn’t really worknp ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: 404 error with pb-embedflashThe path is correct. Just the file is missing. Try re-uploading the plugin (after downloading it again to be sure the archive is not corrupt).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: pb-embedFlash] Slimbox doesn’t really workOn of your other plugins seems to load prototype and as of prototype is a JS-Libraray similar to Mootools (used by Slimbox) and both use a few same commands, the may disturb each other.
I suggest to at least try out Slimbox without prototype loaded so we can be sure that’s the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: pb-embedFlash] Slimbox doesn’t really workI’ll take a look on it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: 404 error with pb-embedflashThe TinyMCE plugin is loaded within inc/inc.tinymce3plugin.php and tells TinyMCE to load SITEURL/wp-content/plugins/pb-embedflash/tinymce3plugin/editor_plugin.js where SITEURL is the value saved in the ‘siteurl’ option. If the button is display correctly and clickable, everything should be fine.
Could you please check, what URL is loaded inside the box (404 error)? right click -> information (or similar) should show you the requested file.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pb-embedFlash Parse Errorrc 7 is out now – hopefully without any short open tags :D.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pb-embedFlash Parse ErrorOh. Actually, I always use
<?php ... ?>
(like you should’ve seen in the code). Thx for the hint!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pb-embedFlash Parse ErrorCheck out v1.5 rc 6.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pb-embedFlash Parse Errorpb-embedFlash is not optimized for WP 2.5 yet (see “Compatible up to: 2.3.3”).
But an “unexpected $end” error is an indication of a corrupted file. Try re-uploading
after download/unpack the archive again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: pb-embedFlash] Video in a Popup Window?Yes, it is.
for example.[flash /videos/subdir/05.flv]
may work, too.But this does not prevent people from finding the link in your site’s source code.
Loading videos from other domains may not work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: alternate image for people without flash (like iPhone & iPod)The admin panel needs some advancements for WP 2.5, e.g. widgets and admin popup. But basically, it works, yes.
Since pb-embedFlash 1.5 is still beta/rc, a detailed change log will be announced with the final release. Latest (but not all) changes can be found in “Other Notes“.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: alternate image for people without flash (like iPhone & iPod)=> rc5.2. It took some time because I wanted to complete Flashbox compatibility (now supporting flashvars, too).
Please tell me if the auto-20px is working properly!