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  • Thread Starter pasionXentrenar


    Sure! You already contacted the web page by facebook, let me show you there

    Thread Starter pasionXentrenar


    Excellent! it works perfect. Thanks!!
    You have an awesome catalogue plugin, the best I’ve found and I’ve tried many others before. I hope to pay for the pro version soon
    Here I’ve your plugin with custom CSS and it looks great
    My Customized UPCP

    Sorry, I didn’t know how to translate the questions status, you’re right, it’s a real deep thing, I think that only the author could find something to translate the 100% of the plugin, with a future update

    Right now I have some words in english that I don’t know yet how to translate them –> The question status, and: it is spam
    This question is effectively an advertisement with no disclosure. It is not useful or relevant, but promotional.

    Well I tried to do the translation just renaming the .mo and .po files like this and ap_es-ES.po (Spanish language), without add the lines of code that I wrote above and it didn’t work.. When I add the code again into the anspress.php the translation works again

    Excellent nerdaryan. Thats very usefull, thanks for your fast reply and adjustment

    Hi. I had the same problem but now it’s fixed. First, I wrote these few lines of code in the file anspress.php, located at the main folder of the plugin. Just put these lines at the begining of the file, just after of Domain Path:/languages */… This is the code that you need to put:

    /* Add localization support */
    function ap_localization_setup() {
    		load_plugin_textdomain('ap', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'ap_localization_setup');

    So when you finish, the file will look like this (theres no need to delete nothing, just insert the code above without move anything more):

    * License URI:
     * Domain Path:       /languages
    /* Add localization support */
    function ap_localization_setup() {
    		load_plugin_textdomain('ap', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'ap_localization_setup');
    // If this file is called directly, abort.
    if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {

    Now! thats the first step, The second step is to create the .po and .mo files with “CodeStyling Localization” Plugin, You can find a tutorial about using this plugin, its easy..

    The last step! once you get the .mo and .po files, you need to rename them. The textdomain of the AnsPress is ap, so the files might be like this in your case:
    ap-he_IL.po and

    Thats all. Its works fine for me. example: mywebsite

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