Ok, I have found the reason to this problem.
It seems that ewww does the async request work through wp-cron. This is why it was not working and getting blocked on my server.
My website is configured to use SSL. As i am using Cloudflare for SSL, the certificate on the server side do not need to be renewed to appear valid to browser, on the other hand, when it expires it does not appear as a valid certificate when called locally on the server.
My server is configured to use a cron job to make calls to wp-cron. Since the certificate on my server expired a few days ago, cron tasks were not executed due to the fact that the curl command was rejecting not valid certificates URLs. Removing the certificate check for curl made wp-cron tasks to be normally executed again.
I made new tests and now automatic compression works!
So the problem was related to my server configuration.
Thanks for your help solving this issue!