Pat Satanus
Forum Replies Created
Next try. Please tell me, which file I have to modify, that this d****d problem would be solved.
PatForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] Don′t show Slider Description in Post SliderOK, solved it so far. I still can′t hide the description, but I could change the length.
In basic-functions.php you′ll find this one:
<?php $postexcerpt = get_the_content(); $postexcerpt = apply_filters('the_content', $postexcerpt); $postexcerpt = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $postexcerpt); $postexcerpt = strip_tags($postexcerpt); $postexcerpt = strip_shortcodes($postexcerpt); echo evltruncate($postexcerpt, 180, ' ...'); ?>
Just change the 180 into the number of chars you want(i take 54, whyever…).
I know, it′s quick and dirty, but I don′t have any other ideas so far. Also, I still ponder how I can display a line break.
Hi Cais.
WP updated to 4.0, widget still not sorting by ID. Will there be an update, too?
So long…
PatHi Cais.
Thank you very much. Please contact me, if you got news.
So long…
PatHi Cais.
I tried this, too. But no result. In the gallery you will see a change (desc and asc), but not in that widget. I guess, the widget is broken.
So long…
PatHi Cais.
Yes, of course I do.
Hmmm… could you tell me, where the code for this sorting is? In which file do I have to search?
Hi Cais.
It does not matter what setting I use, it has no impact on the widget. If I take for example “sort by date” that appears in the gallery, but in the widget nothing changes.
I know that it worked once, but after the last update (I do not remember exactly which …) does not work anymore.
I’m looking now time for a widget that is compatible with NGG, possibly Nivo or similar.
Thank you for your effort.
So long…
PatHi Cais.
In the management and the “normal” gallery everything is fine, sorted descent newest <-> oldest. Only in the widget it doesn′t work.
I tried to take only one gallery in the widget, same prob. I tried to take all, same prob. I don′t understand anything more ??
So long…
PatHi Cais.
Thanks for the reply, I try with my not so good English, to describe the problem.
I expect that the widget displays the latest uploaded images and not use the information of the camera as a basis for sorting. For example: Last four images with IDs 1000, 1001, 1002 and 1003 are displayed randomly. But they should be displayed in descending order. So the latest ID at the top.
I hope that was understandable enough (thanks to
So long…
PatHmmm… new upload today (14 pics), everythings fine, but… it is not sorted by id, resp. the newest pics aren′t on top.
Someone could help?