I am having the same problem as OP. So, I have created a site https://example.com and subsites https://fr.example.com, https://de.example.com (using WP multisite).
Now, I need to map https://yahoo.example.com to https://example.com. They are basically the same site except for a small change in the header and footer (which I handle in the theme files).
How do I do this? Installed domain mapping plugin, and it lets me map “https://yahoo.example.com” to “https://fr.example.com” (site id 2), but it does not let me map “https://yahoo.example.com” to “https://example.com”. I tried what Andrew suggested above (first create a mapping to site id 2 and then change domain_mapping table). It seems to work, but I am worried that its a hack and will break something else.
Any inputs is highly appreciated? Can I use this hack in PROD?